
Search results

  1. Blackberry Production Systems in Ohio

    longer fruit ripening season, and rain shield for disease reduction. However, growers will need to get ...

  2. Crimson Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) Good Compaction fighter Very good Disease Good Chokes weeds small-seeded ... insects/nematodes: could be a minor problem Increased crop diseases: could be a minor problem Establishment ...

  3. Aphids on Trees and Shrubs

    leaves or small shoots. Since aphids may move from one plant to another, they may transmit plant diseases ... with black sooty mold. Cars, sidewalks, and lawn furniture under trees with aphids are also covered ... the alternation of hosts to escape the numerous predators, parasites, and diseases associated with ...

  4. Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean

    regions with warm, humid environments. Yield reductions from this disease have occurred in Ohio and this ... disease can also reduce seed quality in food grade varieties and seed production fields. Symptoms Lesions ... dark gray, usually with a narrow, dark brown border. Disease Cycle Frogeye leaf spot is caused by the ...

  5. X-Disease (Mycoplasma disease of peaches and nectarines)

    Pathology X-disease has been diagnosed in several peach orchards in northern Ohio. Once the disease is ... established in an area or orchard, it can be very destructive. The disease has been reported to occur ... X-disease corresponds to the range of distribution of the wild chokecherry, which is a major reservoir of ...

  6. Annual Bluegrass Weevil

    emerge and migrate to the nearest short-mown turf to feed, mate, and lay eggs. Eggs are deposited under ... flushing”), vacuuming, and examining mowing clippings. Among these methods, soap flushing by pouring 1 pint of ... the mowing and may return to the site or spread to new areas. Besides, linear pitfall traps may be ...

  7. Fruit Rots of Blueberry: Alternaria, Anthracnose, and Botrytis

    the field on overripe fruit. Anthracnose (ripe rot) is a serious preharvest and postharvest disease ... . Botrytis fruit rot is typically a minor disease but can become severe. Other fruit rots are less common. ... Botrytis mycelium is grayer and less dense than the greener Alternaria mycelium. This disease can also ...

  8. Preventing Heart Disease

    good news is heart disease is preventable. The American Heart Association describes a coronary attack ... coronary artery disease. About 20% of all deaths from heart disease in the United States are directly ... the risk of heart disease is reduced by 50% within just one year. And no matter how long or how much ...

  9. RHDV2: What Rabbit Owners Need to Know

    Bridget Moore, Educator, 4-H Youth Development, Athens County Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) is a fatal ... disease caused by a calicivirus that affects only rabbits. USDA considers RHD a foreign animal disease and ...  has recently detected the Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Serotype 2 (RHDV2) in North America. RHDV2 ...

  10. Field Pea/Winter Pea as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    good Disease Very good Chokes weeds Very good Other Attracts beneficials Very good Short windows Very ... diseases: occasionally a minor problem There may be an increase in sclerotinia and fusarium root rot ...
