
Search results

  1. Wednesday In The Garden

    programs are held in the gardens at the OSU Extension Office from May to October. Please bring a lawn chair for ...

  2. Wednesday In The Garden

    a lawn chair for the outside garden classes. No registration or fee required for these classes. Please ...

  3. Wednesday In The Garden

    a lawn chair for the outside garden classes. No registration or fee required for these classes. Please ...

  4. Wednesday In The Garden

    bring a lawn chair for the outside garden classes. No registration or fee required for these classes. ...

  5. Wednesday In The Garden

    October. Please bring a lawn chair for the outside garden classes. No registration or fee required for these ...

  6. CES Chapters

    The outreach committee will communicate with other state chapters and provide yearly up-dated ...

  7. 4-H Fundamentals – Fall Focus

    Programming Volunteer Recruitment, Training, and Annual Updates Club Files and Financial Management ...

  8. Extension Today: Fall Lawn Care

    keep your lawn lush and healthy? There are some fairly simple things you can do now to improve the ... growth of the grass and appearance of your lawn next spring. Learn more about feeding the grass with ... Tim McDermott, OSU Extension educator, talks lawn care tips and tricks with Brandon Stith, manager of ...

  9. Our Faculty and Staff in the News

    will address several priority production issues such as pest control, disease management, production ...

  10. New Pesticide and Fertilizer Applicator Training

    6 with 4 subcategories), Vertebrate (category 7), Turf (category 8), Animal Pest Control (category 9), ...
