
Search results

  1. Retail Resources

    CIP technology or for those who might need to refresh or increase their knowledge, get updates, review ...

  2. PAT and Upcoming Winter Agronomy Meetings

    Recertification and some state wide Agronomy Meetings. Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification update for 2021:  ...

  3. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Updates

    CFAES is committed to ensuring that all its research and related educational programming are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. ...

  4. 2023 Income Tax School Schedule Now Available

    tax schools, four-part webinar series, and ag tax issues webinar, there will be a summer update and ...

  5. County/Unit Website Access Requests

    All county employees and staff in other Extension-related units are encouraged to help update ...

  6. June Buckeye Wellness Tip: Men’s Health Month

    engaging in healthy lifestyle behaviors. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of men. Aim to be physically ...

  7. Greene Clover Newsletter Prior Year

    (Update 2 dated January 19) January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 September 2020 July  2020 June 2020 ...

  8. Livestock Sales Information Update from the Sales Committee

    Poundage checks can be picked up in the Fair Office. Hours: Tuesday 8:30 to 12:30, Wednesday Noon to 4:00, Thursday 8:30 to 12:30, Friday 8:30 to 12:30.  Hang on to those Thank you notes! Thank you cards will need to be turned into us (Sales Committee) to ...

  9. Vita Data Entry Update – Dec. 15 Deadline for 2023

    As previously announced, Vita was retired for general Ohio State use on Aug. 1. However, all OSU Extension program faculty and staff who have entered data into Vita still have access and must continue to enter data into Vita for the remainder of 2023. ...

  10. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Updates

    CFAES is committed to ensuring that all of its research and related educational programming are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. ...
