
Search results

  1. Strategies to Minimize Spray Drift


  2. Mark Jordan Receives Distinguished Alumni Award

    partnership has resulted in 10 students from Wilberforce enrolling in our golf/turf management courses for ...

  3. Mazzy's Hawaiian Adventure- Part 2

    ado, we'll turn this over to Mazzy... Another update from Huber Mountain in Maui, Hawaii! I cannot ...

  4. Buckeye Environmental Horticulture Team Offers Resources

    seasonal updates that can help Extension professionals answer client questions. The topics can also be used ...

  5. SPO Update from the Office of Research and Graduate Education

    There are upcoming changes in the office for Research and Graduate Education concerning Sponsored Program Officers (SPOs) that serve the CFAES community. ...

  6. Dr. Uttara Samarakoon

    choices for containerized vegetable production, alternative chemicals for plant disease control and ...

  7. Minding the Brand Initiative Announced

    and update marketing resources (e.g. templates, branding elements, social media guidance).  ...

  8. Animal Sciences Professor Dr. Gireesh Rajashekara recognized as CFAES Distinguished Graduate Student Mentor

    focused on studying animal health and zoonotic disease problems in food-producing animals using “One ...

  9. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Cameron Stephens

    North Carolina State University in Plant Pathology (2021). While Cameron is no longer in the turf ... opportunities." How’d you initially become interested in turf? Early in college I struggled to find the right fit ... Pam Sherratt’s Sports Turf Management course as a general credit towards my undecided track, the ...

  10. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Nate McKinniss

    Currently a  major focus of Nate's "is to help those pursuing a career in the turf industry, ... considering studying turf: How’d you initially become interested in turf? Growing up, my uncle would take my ... for the next day. What have been a few highlights of your time so far in the turf industry? The most ...
