
Search results

  1. TWEL Allison Williams Thesis

    associated shifts in host distribution across the landscape.  Blacklegged ticks are major vectors of disease ... agents, including those that cause Lyme disease, the most common vector-borne disease in the United ... USA, identifying key drivers of blacklegged tick abundance and areas of high disease risk. ...

  2. Current estimates of Lake Erie algae toxicity may miss the mark

    non-alcohol fatty liver disease,” said  Justin Chaffin, senior researcher and research coordinator at Ohio ...

  3. SENR Announcements, September 28

    updates on new developments at both locations. Plan to wrap up the afternoon by joining one of our guided ...

  4. Pink Snow Mold and Red Thread Update

    J. W. Rimelspach, Turf Pathology Program Specialist Pink Snow Mold Two fungal diseases have been ... may be slow until there are adequate warm temperatures for turf growth. Red Thread The other disease ... active on turf this winter and early spring. One is pink snow mold, also referred to as Microdochium ...

  5. Director's Note, Aug. 31

    Academic Programming and Research, Dr. Suzanne Gray. Drs. Gray and Tonra will provide an exciting update on ...

  6. Rust on Turfgrass

    The Ohio State University   Rust is a common fungal disease found on most species of grasses around ... blades are the first signs of rust disease on turfgrass. The yellow flecks enlarge which cause the leaf ... Low nitrogen Low mowing height Shade Pathogen There are many types of fungi that cause rust.  The most ...

  7. Richard P. Dick

    in relation to long-term use of glyphosate in glyphosate tolerant cropping systems, disease ... suppression of soil borne diseases, methane oxidation, and C sequestration in agricultural, forest soils, and ...

  8. 2010: A Year Like 1995

    disease and history of disease. 20.               Restricted play when conditions lead to turf injury. 21. ... following items were noted on golf courses that were successful in maintaining high quality turf throughout ... healthy turf. As you will note, most of these are known practices for growing turfgrass and must be ...

  9. Fungicides, Gray Leaf Spot, Turf Events and More

    year's revisions on turfgrass fungicide recommendations can be found on the OSU Turf Disease ... mowing heights to decrease pressure on the turf.   Watch your water very closely; the weather and light ... TURF SAMPLES – WHERE DO YOU SEND THEM? There is confusion on where turfgrass samples should be ...

  10. Pink Snow Mold and Red Thread Update

    J. W. Rimelspach, Turf Pathology Program Specialist Pink Snow Mold Two fungal diseases have been ... may be slow until there are adequate warm temperatures for turf growth. Red Thread The other disease ... active on turf this winter and early spring. One is pink snow mold, also referred to as Microdochium ...
