
Search results

  1. Pearl Millet as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    information: After pearl millet grows to a height of 2 or more feet, mowing it to a height of less than ... 2 inches may terminate it. Mowing pearl millet after heading may terminate it. Follow NRCS guidelines for ... Disease Very good Allelopathic (produces biochemicals that inhibit weeds) Very good Chokes weeds Excellent ...

  2. Beef

    fair information.  This document is usally updated each November or December with information for the ... / Reminders  (will be Updated in August) Beef Barn Penning Chart  (will be posted on Labor Day) 2024 Market ...

  3. Soil Testing

    available for gardens, home lawns, farm fields, and commercial horticulture operations. Each sample is ...

  4. Masked Chafers

    Entomology Masked chafers are beetles that have larvae, called white grubs, which can attack managed turf ... usually attack cool season turf, especially if Japanese beetle grubs have been suppressed. Additionally, ... Damage Symptoms Turf begins to show drought stress in late summer into fall or spring and does not ...

  5. Sheep

    information.  This document is usually updated each November or December with information for the new year. ...

  6. Goats

    ID and Junior Fair information.  This document is usually updated each November or December with ...

  7. Managing Flies & Livestock Health As Summer Warms Up

    drainage; 360 RAIN liquid manure application; best manure applications practices; H2Ohio updates; manure ...

  8. Dogs

    document is usually updated each January or February with information for the new year. 2024 Dog ...

  9. Wheat as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    similar diseases and pests. Plant after Hessian fly-free date as a cover crop. Table 2. Rating the ... except when rolling/crimping. Mowing after heading may terminate. Terminate wheat at least 14 days before ... for penetrans root lesion nematode. Increased crop diseases: could be a moderate problem Hinders ...

  10. Farmers: Focus On Small Grain Silage Harvested, Stored Properly

    and quality losses.  Mowing, tedding, and raking can reduce available dry matter by 11 to 26%, and ... limit the spread and impact of disease in the future.  Our OSU dairy specialist have created a new dairy ...
