
Search results

  1. Ecology of Infectious Disease

    ENR 5335 This course provides an introduction to the ecology of infectious diseases. We will ... investigate infectious disease transmission and control in single- and multi-host systems and for vector-borne ... diseases. Prereq: One undergraduate-level Biology course; or permission of instructor. Not open to students ...

  2. NIFA Invests in project to build farmer-led organic research in Ohio

    and diseases,” says Dr. Jackson-Smith. “The best way to evaluate the effectiveness of different ...

  3. Sports Turf Operations Organization and Management

    HORTTEC 2260T Specialized course in sports turf management including the organization, design, ... a sports turf facility. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation requirements for Turfgrass ...

  4. SENR Seminar Series- An Ecosystem Perspective on Ectoparasites and their Associated Pathogens

    disease transmission, as well as how to manage ticks and mites in animals of conservation importance. Dr. ...

  5. Homecoming Open House

    Suzanne Gray. Drs. Gray and Tonra will provide an exciting update on new developments at both locations. ...

  6. TWEL Jennifer Myers Thesis

    habitat features like infrequently mowed ditches and field margins, and sites that had been out of ...

  7. Congratulations, turf students!

    Lawn Plus Scholarship Jake Miller – Ohio Lawncare Association AND he won Ohio Sportsturf Managers award ...

  8. TWEL Allison Williams Thesis

    associated shifts in host distribution across the landscape.  Blacklegged ticks are major vectors of disease ... agents, including those that cause Lyme disease, the most common vector-borne disease in the United ... USA, identifying key drivers of blacklegged tick abundance and areas of high disease risk. ...

  9. The 2023 Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative Report Released

    Department of Higher Education (ODHE), has released the 2023 research findings update for the statewide ...

  10. Updates from the Director

    Student Life gets new home The office and spaces for student life are re-purposing the floral lab and retail space. The new space will provide office space as well as storage and workspace for student groups. Big thanks to facilities for helping get thing ...
