
Search results

  1. Three-Point Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety

    Biological Engineering Rotary lawn and brush cutters are useful compact tractor attachments and are used for ... reclaiming overgrown brush, pasture maintenance, incorporating cover crops and maintaining lawn areas. ... will help determine if the mower is designed for the intended job. Selection Three-point rotary lawn ...

  2. Dr. Ram Yadav

    priorities, and help update the Midwestern fruits and vegetable production guides. I also plan on testing new ...

  3. Lime and the Home Lawn

    Extension Susan K. White Many homeowners will apply lime to their lawn once a year with the hopes of ... determine if liming is needed, and how one should go about effectively applying lime to the lawn. Why Do ... Home Lawns Need Lime? Lime is applied to the soil of home lawns to increase the soil pH. Soil pH, ...

  4. Sarah Ruth

    for them, and creating populations to quantify their relative effects on disease resistance. Why OSU? ...

  5. OSU Alumni Club of Butler County- Newsletter Update

    Ohio State University Alumni Club of Butler County partnered with OSU Butler County Extension to showcase a display booth at the Butler County Fair on July 23rd.  Learn more about the club and it's activities through their newsletter HERE. ...

  6. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis

    companion animals with pathogens that cause diseases. Preventing tick bites is the best protection from ... tickborne disease (box 1). If you find a tick biting you, remove the tick as soon as possible (box 2), note ... year, depending on temperature. Positive cases of Lyme disease have been reported in Ohio in all 12 ...

  7. Upcoming Events

    2025 Events (dates being finalized by end of October) Find us online for more pictures, updates, and ...

  8. Gray Leaf Spot on Turfgrass

    grisea chemical control gray spot st. augustine grass plant disease lawn and turf gray leaf spot turf ... sports turf. Application of fungicides should begin prior to the onset of disease, around August 1 in ... Pathology Gray leaf spot is a disease of increasing importance in the turfgrass industry in the United ...

  9. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Ramawatar Yadav

    management concerns and priorities, and help update the Midwestern fruits and vegetable production guides. ...

  10. Rotary Lawn and Brush Mower Safety for Trainers and Supervisors

    determine if the mower is designed for the job. Keep bystanders away from: mowing/tractor controls. mowing ... litter and debris from the area to be mowed. Stones, tin cans, and wire can be deadly when thrown by ... 15-year-olds may not operate power-driven machinery like rotary lawn and brush mowers. Safety Tips Keep all ...
