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  1. Protecting Aquaculture Operations with Biosecurity Seminar

    management practices or protecting their species from diseases can attend an aquaculture biosecurity seminar ... hatcheries and public aquariums; and viral hemorrhagic septicemia updates. For more information, contact ...

  2. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference Boasts New Sessions

    fertility and cover crops); diseases, pests and planters (soybean rust, aphids, corn rootworm and planter ... adjustment); and the Ohio Agricultural Technologies Association program, which includes a software update ... patterns, biodiesel and ethanol production, and a Farm Bill 2007 update. Certified Crop Advisor credits will ...

  3. Minnesotans Learn about Value of Trees, Invasive Insects from OSU Extension Team

    August 10, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio — The Ohio State University Extension Nursery, Landscape and Turf ... horticulture, insects, plant diseases and other aspects of the expanding green industry — packed a couple of ... diseases such as beech bark disease. The group spent July 8-9 in and around the Twin Cities, delivering ...

  4. First Detector Training at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Columbus. "The program is designed to provide an overview and update on plant diseases and insect ... have the opportunity to strengthen their professional development in plant disease and insect detection ... early detection of exotic and newly emerging plant diseases and pests in the field through enhanced ...

  5. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Chickens on the White House Lawn (for the Week of Feb. 1, 2009)

    chickens on the White House lawn, he can. Or his daughters can, maybe as a 4-H project. Or the White House ... vegetable garden on the White House lawn. "If the First Family gets out there and pulls weeds now and ... that of a pretty lawn: the image of stewardship of the land, of self-reliance, and of making the most ...

  6. Prevent Head Scab: Avoid Planting Wheat After Corn

    Extension plant pathologist, said that recurring disease problems – ear rot and stalk rot in corn in 2009 ... grass family, and as such, are affected by some of the same pests and diseases, one of which being head ... scab, a major disease of wheat that affects the crop during the flowering stage, is caused by the same ...

  7. Flood Damage Not Detrimental to Ohio's Crops

    plants to recover because of the presence of diseases. Saturated conditions have opened the door for ... diseases, such as Pythium and Phytophthora root rot. "What will be even worse is if the faucet shuts ... it's a double whammy," said Dorrance. Growers can distinguish flooding injury from diseases by ...

  8. Ohio State University experts research new, innovative, sustainable ways to manage pests

    orchards, to schools, nursing homes and consumer’s homes, lawn, or garden, the IPM program works to find ... and a professor of entomology. Those pests can include weeds, disease, insects, and vertebrates such ...

  9. OSU Nursery Short Course/CENTS Set for Jan. 23-26

    pesticide issues, spray technologies, insects and diseases, and native plants. The events are sponsored by ... Landscape Association, and Ohio State University Extension's Nursery, Landscape and Turf Team. The ...

  10. Benefits of Organic Mulching Extend Below the Soil Surface

    a profound effect on soil fertility and overall plant health below the soil surface- fighting off diseases ... diseases." Herms, a researcher with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, ... maintenance information, pest and disease management tips, economic advice and research results. The Ohio ...
