
Search results

  1. Dry Conditions in Corn & Stalk Quality Concerns

    interrelated factors. The actual disease, stalk rot, is caused by one or more of several fungi capable of ... stress-free plants. When corn is subjected to stress (due to weather, esp. drought, foliar diseases or ... from the roots to the stalks. When diseased stalks are split, the pith is usually discolored and shows ...

  2. Forage Nitrate Toxicity a Major Concern as Drought Worsens

    daylight drives the conversion of nitrate to plant protein). Mowing hay late in the afternoon on a sunny ... day can reduce nitrate levels in forage. Once hay is mowed, nitrate levels do not change much during ... the drying process, so dry hay levels will be similar to levels at the time you mow. Prior to mowing ...

  3. Regional Crop Updates: August 20-26, 2024

    necrosis virus, and waterhemp escapes in soybean. Keep reading below for region-specific crop updates ... R3 (milk) and R5 (dent) with very little disease pressure so far. Soybean is also in good condition ... (full pod) and R6 (full seed). In terms of disease, soybean vein necrosis virus incidence is high in the ...

  4. Lep Monitoring Network – Spike in Numbers: Fall Armyworm Update # 22

    This past week was our 22 nd week of monitoring for Ohio pests at the Lep Network and our 6 th week reporting on the fall armyworm (FAW). While the statewide average slightly decreased this past week, individual trap counts are still high in some select c ...

  5. Agronomy & Farm Management Podcast Episode 144 – Dealing with DON

    ( for updates and research on corn fungicide and disease. Home Corn ...

  6. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 23- Interview with Tom Fontana from Ohio Soybean Council

    at R5. Planting date four is at R4 and planting date five is at R2. Some ear diseases have been found ... diseases at harvest. For soybean, the first three planting dates are all at R6, which is “full seed” ...

  7. Ohio Bakes Under the Late August Sun

    inception in 2000 (Figure 1). The new update will be released at 8:30 am on Thursday September 5, 2024. ...

  8. Lep Monitoring Network – Spike in Numbers: Fall Armyworm Update # 21

    This past week was our 21 st week of monitoring for Ohio pests at the Lep Network and our 5 th week reporting on the fall armyworm (FAW). We have seen moth averages climb in key counties including Wayne and Van Wert, respectively. If FAW reports surpass a ...

  9. Corn Yield Forecasts for Ohio as of August 27, 2024

    yield-limiting factors such as crop stand issues, storm damage, replanting, disease, or nutrient losses. ...

  10. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 20- August Weather Update

    Climatologist of Ohio, gives us an August weather update! What’s happening in the field? Western This past week ... diseases in corn, all five planting dates have had tar spot identified at this location. The plating dates ... that are at R5 have the greatest amount of disease.. Tar spot came into this field in early July, after ...
