
Search results

  1. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    lungs. Disease severity ranges from mild to severe illness and can cause death. The flu infects many ... domestic poultry (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2017). There are four types of flu: Influenza ... currently thought to infect only cattle and pigs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2021, and ...

  2. Natural Organic Lawn Care

    done on many practices that are an integral part of organic lawn care such as core aeration, mowing ... species are useful for home lawns: turf-type tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, fine fescue and Kentucky ... bluegrass. Turf-type Tall Fescue Turf-type tall fescue is perhaps the best choice for a natural organic lawn ...

  3. Elderberry Production in Ohio

    disease, and cold damage. Cuttings can be rooted immediately in a sterile commercial potting mix. Hardwood ... efficient harvesting and processing. In addition, removal of the plant material better manages diseases and ... be maintained until flowering and fruiting is complete. Insects and Diseases Japanese beetles have ...

  4. Brown Patch on Turfgrass

    practices genetic host resistance plant disease lawn and turf lesions on turfgrass turf disease round ... greens, tees, and fairways. The disease is a common nuisance in home or commercial lawns, but in most ... depending on turf species, mowing height, soil, and environmental conditions. In low cut turfgrass, symptoms ...

  5. APS 2024

    Tennessee Presentations Monday Presentations Improving plant disease prediction using ensembles of models ... – Laurence Madden Part of SPECIAL SESSION: Innovative Approaches in Plant Disease Epidemiology: Navigating ... Disease Detection and Resistance Phenotyping using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy – Carrie Fearer Monday, July ...

  6. Mycology Minor

    are major players. Fungi are important in microbiology/healthcare, agriculture and plant disease ...

  7. Mancozeb Proposed Interim Registration Review Decision- Crop Cancellations and REI Changes


  8. Dollar Spot on Turfgrass

    disease lawn and turf dollar spot bluegrass turfgrass symptoms chemical control yellow spots on grass ... adequate soil moisture for continuous and optimal turf growth. Chemical Control. Used early in disease ... bluegrass lawns. Dollar spot occurs from late spring to late fall and is most prominent after cool, moist ...

  9. Slime Molds on Turfgrass

    recommended. Home, Yard and Garden Horticulture plant disease lawn and turf causal organism primitive fungi ... their presence. Plant vigor may be slightly reduced in severely colonized turf due to excessive growth ... due to shading of the turf causing reduced photosynthesis. Management The recommendation for areas ...

  10. Plant Pathology Minor

    Want to enhance your employment opportunities? Plant diseases impact every aspect of agriculture ...
