
Search results

  1. Raising Meat Chickens

    Marek’s disease. The coccidia vaccine will help protect the chick against four of the seven varieties of ... the certification, the chicks were free from certain diseases, including pullorum. For questions about ... clean water and feed. Prevention of Disease Biosecurity and sanitation are important in poultry ...

  2. Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    rust (WPBR) became a serious disease, threatening the lucrative timber business in the United States. ... blister rust (WPBR) disease was reviewed on August 10, 2021, and rescinded on October 28, 2021, due to ... waning concern over the disease and a need to reduce regulations. As of January 2025, currants and ...

  3. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    rust (WPBR) became a serious disease, threatening the lucrative timber business in the United States. ... blister rust disease (WPBR) was reviewed on August 10, 2021, and rescinded on October 28, 2021, due to ... waning concern over the disease and a need to reduce regulations. As of January 2025, currants and ...

  4. Giving New Life to Tired Pastures

    a timed pasture mowing. Mechanically mowing pastures is one method producers can use rather than spraying ... changed or reduced by varying the timing of mowing throughout the late spring and summer growing period ... without the use of herbicides. Mowing height for this experiment was targeted at 10 cm from the soil ...

  5. From Policy to Taxes: Exploring Today's Farm Management Challenges and Opportunities

    Discussions will include a general farm tax update including a look at the expiring Tax Cuts and Job Act ...

  6. Soybean Management

    Signs: Diseased plants first appear wilted and with grayish green leaves that later turn brown to tan ... produced inside stems (C) and inside pods (D); Representation of the effect of the disease on pod filling: ... a branch from an infected plant in the right and a healthy plant in the left (E). Disease Cycle: Under ...

  7. IMPLAN Extension Reports

    updated annually or as needed to include relevant economic data and impacts related to demographics, ...

  8. Box Tree Moth: Detection

    Environmental damage and disease symptoms do not include disappearing leaves. BTM caterpillars may also consume ... Boggs, J., & Stone, A. (2024). Box tree moth (BTM) update #1. Buckeye Yard and Garden OnLine (BGYL). ...

  9. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass

    and control emerging populations before they become established. Spread Prevention Since mowing, road ... inspected and cleaned on a regular basis. When possible, mow non-infested areas prior to mowing areas with ... parts. Debris from mowing and road maintenance equipment should be disposed of properly. Since stiltgrass ...

  10. Box Tree Moth: Range and Spread

    Health Inspection Service, Plants. Sisk, E., Brindley, ...
