
Search results

  1. Renovate your lawn; How to, step by step

    In the brief and to the point videos embedded below, Dr. Zane Raudenbush, turf grass scientist at ... The Ohio State University, gives a six step presentation on lawn renovation. If you are considering ... a renovation or reseeding of your lawn, it needs to begin immediately and be completed by mid-September. ...

  2. Understanding Alzheimer's & Dementia

    the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, stages of the disease, risk factors, research, and ... treatments relating to these diseases. Resources from the Alzheimer’s Association will be shared. For more ...

  3. Understanding Alzheimer's & Dementia

    Alzheimer’s and dementia, stages of the disease, risk factors, research, and treatments relating to these ... diseases. Resources from the Alzheimer’s Association will be shared. WHEN: Tuesday, September 24, 2024, ...

  4. Soil Testing

    available for gardens, home lawns, farm fields, and commercial horticulture operations. Each sample is ...

  5. Master Gardener Volunteers

    sessions include teachings about Invasive Plants, Soils, Botany, Lawn Care, Pesticides, Plant Pathology, ...

  6. Is Roundup Really Roundup?!?

    combination that does not kill desirable lawn and turf grasses.The herbicide active ingredients in ... In 2017 a new product called "Roundup For Lawns" was introduced to the marketplace. Your ... you look closer at the label of "Roundup For Lawns" and realize that it doesn't contain ...

  7. Club Advisor Resources

    (due September) 2024 End of Year Club Update (due September 15th) Fair Booth Score Sheet   4-H ...

  8. Older Youth Opportunities

    Form AND Addendum (update) to their Ohio 4-H Achievement Form. The Addendum is a separate ... document/piece of paper where applicants include any 4-H and non-4-H updates from the current 4-H year that took ...

  9. Understanding Alzheimer’s & Dementia

    Learn the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, stages of the disease, risk factors, ... research, and treatments relating to these diseases. Resources from the Alzheimer’s Association will be ...

  10. The 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s

    the disease in yourself and others and next steps to take, including how to talk to your doctor. ...
