
Search results

  1. Emissions from Energy: Environment, Health, and Legislation- a presentation and round-table brown-bag discussion

    A joint seminar between the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering and the John Glenn School of Public Affairs will be held in 410 Hitchcock Hall. Presenters: Stefan Åström- Chalmers University and IVL Swedish Environmental Research ...

  2. Your Pond Update Spring 2014

    OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION in PDF format Proactive Algae Management through Pond Destratification As spring progresses, give a little thought to how internal nutrient cycling influences the water quality of ponds.  Everything that grows within your p ...

  3. Your Pond Update from Eugene Braig

    OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION in PDF format Your Pond (and Fish) Emerging from a Potent Winter It’s been too long since I’ve provided one of these articles.  As always, please, feel free to drop me a line at any time with any of your pond, water, fish, ...

  4. Completed Projects

    Sustainable Comprehensive Land Use Plan This program uses the Sustainable Communities Program as its base to produce a land use plan for the community. Community leaders and professionals work in teams to create the various sections of the plan. Geographi ...
