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  1. Ohio Department of Agriculture updates fertilizer certification program rules

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  2. New Fruit and Vegetable Pest Publications

    suggested vegetable varieties, seeding rates, fertilizer rates, weed control, insect control and disease ...

  3. Urban Agriculture

    prod­ucts in and around cities (Brown and Carter 2003). Agriculture is a critical part of any movement ...

  4. “Fresh Market Tomato fertility – the never-ending battle against fruit physiological disorders”

    water, too much heat or high amounts of plant disease or insect infections.    For now, recommendations ...

  5. Nutrient Losses from Dairy Operations and Their Environmental Issues

    risks that directly affect human health (respiratory diseases; WHO, 2005). Farm animals in the North ...

  6. Achievement Awards and Scholarship Banquet

                                                                                     Aubrey Brown- Poultry  Ashton Beach- Dairy Goat ...

  7. Results from Research Supported by the Ohio Dairy Research Fund

    beneficial for reducing risks of  metabolic diseases and improving animal performance related to choline ...

  8. Milk and Dairy Product Production Climbs- What's Down the Road for Milk Prices?

    1.7712 2.2532 0.1354 0.8151 13.71 For a complete update on current market conditions, futures, and ...

  9. Aquaculture Education Update

    By Matthew A. Smith, Aquaculture Extension Specialist   It’s been a busy few months for the Extension Aquaculture Program since the last Ohio State University South Centers Connections Newsletter was released. Our first big education moment of the quarter ...

  10. Update on Corn Silage Harvesting Practices

    Dr. Bill Weiss, Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University As corn silage harvest approaches, important decisions must be made regarding silage harvest. The quality of the silage made this fall will have an impact on the herd for the next 12 months. When to ...
