
Search results

  1. Engaging OSU Students in Conservation Practices and Planning

    engineer in the Grand Lake area. Jerry Will sharing ag and water quality insights 1:1. Lou Brown, who owns ... in the Grand Lake watershed. Lou Brown sharing design parameters for the concrete silage bunker, ... preventing silage leachate runoff. Lou Brown explains the intricacies of the milking parlor at Bownhaven ...

  2. Business Office updates

    There have been a number of changes in regards to office space, assignments, payment window, and pcard requirements. ...

  3. TWEL Stephanie Hauver Thesis

    of zoonotic diseases, including rabies, that are transmitted through close contact. Therefore, a more ... complete understanding of raccoon social behavior, or interaction rate, is helpful in modeling disease ...

  4. Research presented at Ecological Society of America

    Whelan, Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; Joel S. Brown ...

  5. Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management Under Harsh Conditions: Ancient and Modern Lessons From Yemen

    connection with both water scarcity and the perpetual menace of disease- the two most fundamental threats to ...

  6. New Exhibit Showcases History and Role of Forests in Ohio

    elements while updating the library for the 21st century. While the original woodwork of the 1913 library ...

  7. Dick_R The Interreg-DEVAG Project

    agroecological methods to manage insects, diseases and weeds. These pests represent the main cause of loss of ...

  8. SENR Students Step Up to Make Ohio State More Bike Friendly

    to update biking route recommendations in the future, allowing students to learn data analysis while ...

  9. Alumni Connection Spring 2016

    RendeZoo 2016 CFAES 2016 Banquet ENRAS helps Families Featured Alumnus Update your Information ... group donation. Featured Alumnus Update Your Alumni Information We like to keep our information as ...

  10. Student-Professional Networking Reception

    Watson, Boating Education Grants Coordinator - Division of Watercraft Jennifer Brown, Investigative Unit ...
