
Search results

  1. Cover Crop Termination Before Planting

    at the potential for increased seedling disease in corn planted after a cereal rye cover crop.  Corn ... field trials showed that under cold, wet conditions conducive to seedling disease development, corn ... planted less than 10 days after cereal rye termination had more seedling disease, decreased emergence, ...

  2. What Do Your Cull Cows’ Records Show?

    left? A few other codes that are often used are feet and legs, reproductive, udder, and disease. These ... one. If an animal is culled for “disease”, be sure to include the nature of the disease. Disease can be ... Disease is a problem, tracking sales will help to determine the severity of the problem and assist with ...

  3. New Diagnostic Testing for Johne's Disease in Ohio

    of last summer, a new diagnostic process for Johne's disease fecal cultures has been in place at ... the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory at the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg. At the ... disease. Science continues to provide incremental improvements, and tests will continue to get better as ...

  4. Judging

    OSU college dairy judging teams. Dairy Judging Teams Update Bonnie Ayars, Dairy Judging Coach and ...

  5. 2019 Dairy Margin Coverage Program – Sign-up Coming Soon!

    updated program, sign-ups for 2019 will open well after January, but participation will be retroactive to ... that option.  The decision tool’s milk and feed price data are updated nearly daily, so you may receive ...

  6. Tri-County Beekeepers Beekeeping Workshop

    process. The theme of this year’s workshop is “Beekeeping in 3D: Detection, Disease, Doctoring”.  The ...

  7. Tail Docking of Dairy Cattle: Is it beneficial or a welfare issue?

    reduces the transmission of diseases carried by cows, such as Leptospirosis, to workers. Producers also ... using a rubber ring, no positive benefits to the cows have been identified, and potential long-term ...

  8. FST student conducts research in Nicaragua

    Diarrheal Disease Transmission in Developing Countries (PI: Lee)’. ...

  9. 2016 4-H Camp Detour Information

    will be posting some occasional updates on our  Wayne County 4-H Facebook Page  and the 4-H Camp Ohio ... Staff occasionally post updates on the  Camp Ohio facebook page  as well. Thanks, Doug ...

  10. Fragrant Plant from Madagascar Holds Promise for Mosquito Control

    as a control measure.  In addition to their general annoyance, mosquitoes can transmit diseases ...
