
Search results

  1. CD Wire- July 17, 2012

    AD Update: Getting to Know Your Program Finances A quick survey of our program fund balances at ... ***************************************************************************** REMINDERS / UPDATES / NEWS: New Issue of CFAES  Continuum  Available Online: The Summer 2012 issue ...

  2. Lab News

    growers should still scout carefully for stripe rust, as some farmers have reported finding the disease in ...

  3. CD Weekly Wire May 29, 2012

    CD WEEKLY WIRE May 29, 2012 AD Update: The whirlwind of a week that began for many of us with ... workshops (Beyond Polar Bears: Teaching Great Lakes Climate Science) to introduce an updated Great Lakes Climate ... ***************************************************************************** REMINDERS / UPDATES / NEWS: New Issue of Communiqué Now Available: The latest issue of the ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- May 20, 2013

    AD Update: Collaboration:  Always ‘In Season’ As we wrap up the annual performance review ‘season’ ... weekly updates in the past 2 ½ years. Collaboration enables us to accomplish more than if we were to work ... directory listed every office and every individual in the Extension system in Ohio. It was updated annually ...

  5. OFFER Booth at Mt. Hope Organic Farming Conference

    Visit us at the Mt. Hope Auction Center in November. We'll have details about ongoing Ohio State research and resources. For a list of speakers and topics, go to ...

  6. McSpadden Gardener lab page 1

    830 every other year. Additionally, regular contributions are made to Plant Disease Management- PLNTPTH 603. ...

  7. Dollar spot database

    diseases of golf course creeping bentgrass worldwide. The DSTI database hosts the transcriptome data from ...

  8. Soil Balancing Call-in Conversation

    Everyone uses numbers to make decisions, although the numbers people have and the ways they use them often differ. These differences can spell both excitement and challenge when trying to understand and use Soil Balancing. Join us to discuss Soil Balancin ...

  9. Soil Balancing Call-in Conversation

    The history and present-day use of Soil Balancing provides a rich opportunity to examine the different ways farmers and scientists develop and use their knowledge. Join us to discuss what the concept and practice of Soil Balancing currently means to farme ...

  10. CD Wire- May 22, 2012

    CD WEEKLY WIRE May 21, 2012 AD Update: Greetings from the 2012 NACDEP Conference in Park City, ... / UPDATES / NEWS: Statistical Analysis Projects Future Temperatures in North America: For the first time, ...
