
Search results

  1. 4-H Volunteer Training

    training, and update their enrollment in 4-H Online by April 1, 2022 to remain an active volunteer. ...

  2. Capstone Team Wins ASABE/NABEC Undergraduate Design Competition

    Additionally, they worked on developing an automated plant sampling system to aid in plant disease detection, ...

  3. Farm Office Live Webinar

    Join the Farm Office team for monthly updates on issues farmers and agriprofessionals deal with in ...

  4. Greene County Beef Weigh-In Information

    steers must be 100% dairy selected from the following breeds: Holstein, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, or a cross ... exhibitors at the December weigh-in. We have updated and revised some rules and want to make sure that ...

  5. Grab your coffee for our grain market update

    Join us on Friday, November 17 at 7:30 a.m. for our Coffee and Grain Marketing webinar with Dr. Seungki Lee to see what the WASDE report might mean for your marketing strategies. There is no fee, but registration is necessary at ...

  6. Food Science and Technology Awarded Good-to-Great Grant

    updating infrastructure to be cutting-edge. Creating the FITT Lab, a teaching kitchen, and an entrepreneur ...

  7. Research

    biomarkers of environmental stressors for fish health and disease management.  Specifically, our research ... involved: Genetics and Genomics Epigenetics   Selective Breeding Nutrition and Feed Stress and Disease ... (metabolite profiling) approaches to define a healthy phenotypic fish. Stress and Disease: We are ...

  8. PAT and Upcoming Winter Agronomy Meetings

    Recertification and some state wide Agronomy Meetings. Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification update for 2021:  ...

  9. Agritourism, Zoonotic Diseases and Legal Liability Webinar

    can lead to the transmission of infectious zoonotic diseases such as salmonella, E. coli and ... cryptosporidium.   A child harmed by a zoonotic disease from a pumpkin farm in Minnesota recently received a $7.5 ... zoonotic diseases, health experts prefer to focus on the institution of best management practices to reduce ...

  10. Greene Clover Newsletter Prior Year

    (Update 2 dated January 19) January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 September 2020 July  2020 June 2020 ...
