
Search results

  1. Lep Monitoring Network – Corn Earworm Update # 9

    a common pest of dry beans and a sporadic pest of corn in Ohio. Adults are primarily dark brown and black ... seated behind a light brown to tan colored dot. A white stripe can also be seen along the top edge of the ...

  2. Lep Monitoring Network – Western Bean Cutworm and Corn Earworm Update # 12

    Over the past week, Western bean cutworm moth reports continue to be on the rise across the state with Sandusky County having the highest average of 47 moths (47 in one trap!). These high numbers mean many counties in Ohio are having peak WBC flight – and ...

  3. Faculty Research Areas

    managing turf pests and diseases. The goal of research is to reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides and ... blueberries, almonds, tomatoes and pumpkins.   These crops are also vulnerable to pests and diseases, which are ... setting up a conflict between the need for pollination and the need for pest and disease control. In our ...

  4. Western Agronomy Field Day

    which soybean diseases to look out for this year.  Then we will get a look at the much-anticipated ... Pierce Paul will be our last stop before lunch, to discuss vomitoxin management and corn disease forecast ...

  5. Wheat’s Early, are Oats a Doublecrop ‘Forage’ Option?

    feed the chopped and ensiled oats, there will be minimal “bale ring” feeding losses experienced. During ...

  6. Regional Updates: June 11 – 17, 2024

    to start this week. Keep reading for more region-specific updates from OSU Extension Educators and ... updates from across the state. Here are some helpful Extension resources as you scout and make management ...

  7. Slug Monitoring Report – Update #6 Ohio Monitoring Update The number of counties monitoring slugs in Ohio for the multi-state project ...

  8. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 11- Freeze-Damaged Corn Update

    Battle for the Belt, for a field update on freeze-damaged corn. Freeze damage is a risk when corn and ... plots do have flooding damage; however, there is little disease and insect pressure. A summary of weekly ... weather conditions for each updated planting date at the Western Agriculture Research Station, Northwest ...

  9. Corn Fungicide Trials

    part of an integrated management plan for corn diseases. Plots feature either resistant or susceptible ... scouting knowledge to the test and look for the following three foliar diseases: Gray leaf spot: symptoms ... conditions and high relative humidity in the canopy. Tar spot:   this relatively new foliar disease prefers ...

  10. Lep Monitoring Network – Western Bean Cutworm and Corn Earworm Update # 12

    The Lep monitoring network continues to monitor for both Western bean cutworm and corn earworm moths in Ohio. Western bean cutworm moth reports are on the rise across the state with Wood county having the highest average of 28.8 moths (a total of 70 in on ...
