
Search results

  1. Turfgrass Research & Technology Field Day

    Columbus, OH 43210 Presentations will include: Golf Concurrent Sessions Disease Updates for Golf- Todd Hicks ... Concurrent Sessions Insect Updates for High-Cut Turf- David Shetlar Sports Turf Review- Pam Sherratt and ... Receive the latest information from the OSU Turf Team for managing healthy turfgrass and test out ...

  2. Northern Ohio Crops Day

    budgeting Barry Ward, Leader, OSUE Production Business Management 9:45 Dicamba Tech update, Pigweed control ... Mark Loux, OSUE Weed Specialist 10:45 Break & Visit Exhibits 11:00 Management of Soybean Diseases ... Anne Dorrance, OARDC Plant Pathology 12:00 Lunch & Visit Exhibits 12:45 CAUV update Mike Gastier, ...

  3. SENR Career Services: Faculty and Staff

    semester, this is a great time for them to update their résumés in preparation for the career fairs and ... include updating their profile information in Handshake, uploading and updated resume, and meeting with ...

  4. New Pesticide Applicator Training

    will choose between Industrial Vegetation (Category 5) and Turf (Category 8). Testing is available at ... terminology for: Ornamental Weed (6c) Industrial Vegetation (5) Turf (8)   2:10 Breakout Sessions Turf (8) ... Auditorium Industrial Vegetation (5) Seminar Room A Turf Insects Applications and Calculations Turf Disesease ...

  5. AgTech Innovation Hub awards inaugural research projects

    approaches is in high demand due to increased disease pressure due to climate change and reduced ... biopesticide for disease control and growth promotion in tomato crops, both those grown using hydroponics and ...

  6. Friday's Escape to the Forest Webinar Series- Virtual Spring Wildflower Hike

    Escape to the Forest  webinar.  Ohio State Extension Educator, Carrie Brown, will take us on a virtual ...

  7. "Go-to" North America reference guide to get an update – faculty member selected to serve on committee

    resource managers in North America to get an update to account for significant changes School of ... Updated Silvics of North America Project  (USNAP). This is a joint project with the U.S. Forest Service, ...

  8. Ohio Woodland Stewards- Friday's Escape to the Forest Webinar on Spring Wildflowers

    Carrie Brown, as we embark on a virtual spring wildflower hike. Continuing education credits for ISA and ...

  9. Home Bramble Production

    Assistant will be discussing varieties, production systems, insect and disease considerations and other ... items to consider for a successful bramble patch. ...

  10. OSU Pollinator Summit 2019: Our Threatened Bees

    rusty patched bumble bee and the Ohio Bee Atlas   Mary Gardiner, OSU Entomology Shrinking cities, vacant ...
