
Search results

  1. Agricultural Policy Conference to Discuss Economic Outlook for Farmers

    administration and dean. Other CFAES speakers will include: Ben Brown, farm management program manager Ani ...

  2. Roots at the Root of Greenhouse Management Workshop

    tolerate pests and diseases better, which for a greenhouse grower can translate into lower costs, higher ...

  3. Can Animals Spread Disease to Humans?

    and cause illness – these are known as zoonotic diseases or zoonosis. According to the World Health ... Organization (2020), a zoonosis is an infectious disease that has jumped from an animal to humans. Zoonotic ... pathogens can be either bacterial, viral, or parasitic.  How can they spread? The Centers for Disease ...

  4. Greenhouse Management Workshop (Virtual)

    aspects | Dr. Peter Ling, OSU Scouting pests in greenhouse crops | Dr. Luis Canas, OSU Scouting disease in ... Commercial Tools and Research Updates Commercial Plant-base Response Technologies: Integrating plant level ...

  5. Pumpkin Field Night

    experienced growers valuable research updates regarding disease management, insect management, weed control, ... irrigation study update Powdery mildew fungicide trial Pest management update (disease and insect) Review of ... disease management. Topics that will be discussed at the field day include: Cover crop options and ...

  6. World's Largest Script Ohio Shows the Power of Precision Agriculture

    mechanically to the planters used in this demonstration,” Klopfenstein said. “We’ve had software updates that ...

  7. World's Largest Script Ohio Shows the Power of Precision Agriculture

    mechanically to the planters used in this demonstration,” Klopfenstein said. “We’ve had software updates that ...

  8. 84th Annual Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop

    A full day of hands-on diagnostic samples, walks and updates by OSU’s Tree Amigos: Joe Boggs, Erik ... Arboretum of Ohio State University’s Wooster Campus  OSU’s Extension Nursery Landscape and Turf Team  Davey ...

  9. Farmers Required to report Livestock Air Emissions

    Office to verify and update the emissions information and must annually review emissions from the ...

  10. County Outlook Meeting (Virtual)

    "Climate and Grain Market Outlook" Presenters: Ben Brown and Aaron Wilson Target ... Climate Center and Ben Brown previously with the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and ...
