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$100,000 gift to CFAES to support food safety
disease,” said Barbara Kowalcyk, a CFAES assistant professor who co-founded CFI and is the center’s ... director. “Foodborne disease sickens 600 million people, causing at least 420,000 deaths, globally each ... those impacted by foodborne disease, including my family,” said Kowalcyk, whose 2-year-old son Kevin ...
Disease Forecasting
Disease Forecasting Objectives(s) of Insect, Disease & Environmental Forecasting System ... emerging invasive pest & disease organisms and environmental induce crop physiological disorders. Pests ... Late Blight of Tomato and Potato; Brown Marmorated Stink Bug; Spotted Wing Drosophila and cucumber ...
Why the cooperative model could be a key to closing the broadband gap
enterprise. David Brown, who is leading the Southeast Ohio Broadband Cooperative Exploratory group along with ... with community members via a Facebook group where they share updates and information. The group has ... David Brown shares that the group’s vision is to, “bring affordable, reliable broadband access to rural ...
Former aquaculture PhD student receives awards, promotion
diseases and management by Benha University (BU), one of the top universities in Egypt. She has also been ... South Centers, she has published six papers on reducing stress and disease in aquaculture using ...
Diseases, 2013 Hop Production to Enhance Economic Opportunities for Farmers and Brewers, 2013 ...
2021 was a year of outreach, research, and collaboration
program along with the Specialty Crops program (Brad Bergefurd), and OSU Athens Extension (Ed Brown ...
Breakout Session II Ohio Farm Bureau: Ohio Meat Policy Updates Brandon Kern, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation ...
Meat Processing Business Toolkit
others can use the analysis as a model for conducting their own assessment with updated data and ...
From the Field
programming. The Fall Fruit Update occurred on September 9 this year in the form of a Live Q&A session ... focused on five major crop types. Each Q&A was preceded with a short update on the crop, and these ... can still be viewed on YouTube by searching “Small Fruit Specialty Crops Update.” Presentations on ...
CFAES food safety center to research food safety in Kenya
a risk-based approach to reducing foodborne diseases and increasing production of safe foods in Kenya,” ... Data Analytics Institute at Ohio State. This work is significant considering that foodborne diseases ... main producers and handlers of poultry, and this project is a great opportunity to disrupt the disease ...