
Search results

  1. Dining with Diabetes

    Update highlighted words with local county information Educator Resources Updated program component sheet ...

  2. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 19- Corn Development and Water Use

    into August to reach more kernel development and the R3 stage (Figure 2). Table 2 has an updated ...

  3. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    The OSU Extension Management Structure Task Force continues to meet, considering the following guiding question: What would a management structure look like that best supports county operations? ...

  4. Extension Leadership Update

    I want to echo Dean Kress’s gratitude to everyone who contributed to the recent search for the next associate dean and director of OSU Extension and chair of the Department of Extension. ...

  5. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 17 – Crop Progress Update

    apply fungicides if there is disease present. At the blister stage (Figure 1), the kernel is ivory ... turned brown at this stage. Kernel abortion is still possible at R3 if carbohydrate supply is low. Growth ...

  6. Club Management Resources, Policies, and Procedures

    4-H Club Meeting Wheel (updated 10/2023) Grab and Go Club Meeting Toolkit Meetings at a Glance Worksheet ... Risk, and Waiver for Participation  (updated 10/2024) Restricted Release/Optional Early Release of ...

  7. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Agronomy Field Day, Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

    Research”. Prior to lunch our keynote speaker will be Ben Brown from the University of Missouri speaking on ... the “Agricultural Outlook and Policy Update”. During lunch representatives from the National and Ohio ... Corn and Wheat Growers Associations will give updates on state and national activities the organization ...

  8. Check Roots for Soybean Cyst Nematode: What’s Your Number?

    (Fig. 1). Initially white to cream, turning yellow and eventually brown, SCN females are significantly ...

  9. Soybean Weed and Disease Field Night

    weed and disease management. Speakers inlucde OSU State Specialists and OSU Extension Educators. This  ...

  10. Regional Corn Yield Forecasts for 2024: July 23 Outcomes

    stand issues, storm damage, replanting, disease, or nutrient losses. Results can deviate with varying ...
