
Search results

  1. Sheep Research Center

    reproduction, nutrition, disease, behavior, and management practices. The sheep center maintains a flock of ...

  2. Northeast Ohio Dairy Management Conferences, March 29, 2006

    a look at managing Johne's Disease in the herd based on results of the newer, more sensitive fecal ...

  3. Quagga

    were totally brown. There was a time when massive numbers of quagga roamed South Africa.  They were ...

  4. Guidelines for Feeding Low Forage Diets to Dairy Cows

    low dry matter (DM) intake at parturition and the risk of metabolic diseases. Intense feeding ... without such intensity in management, greater risk in metabolic disease and negative animal performance is ...

  5. Business Office Updates

    Gloria will be out of the office Monday 9/23 through Friday 10/4. The business office now has 3 portable WIFI units you can sign out for a class or research. We are now scheduling SKOU 217 as an additional conference room option. ...

  6. Collegiate Dairy Judging Team Results for 2005

    students receiving top 10 honors in the individual breeds included: Dan Sanders- 5th Brown Swiss; Zach ...

  7. Livestock Judging: Coach Reed

    Jerry Brown; David Ames; Gerald Miller; Don Isler; Jerry Berg; Dr. R.R. Reed, Coach 2nd High Team at The ...

  8. OSU Animal Welfare Symposium: A Big Success

    compromised animals should be euthanized and correct euthanasia techniques.  An update on the activities of ...

  9. 2011 4-H Youth Programs

    includes several updates on new programming, current events, news, and notes, as well as information about ...

  10. Nutrient Prices- Everything is Getting Cheap

    Meal 103 114.08 106.24 121.93 Beet Sugar Pulp, dried 145 104.02 92.62 117.43 Blood Meal, ring dried 325 ...
