
Search results

  1. Dr. Ken Lee named 2014 recipient of the Harold Macy Award

    past-president of the Food Update Foundation. Dr. Lee’s federal appointments include service on the FDA’s Food ...

  2. Chow Line: Have Fun and Be Food Safe When Tailgating

    deaths each year, according to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Other tips ...

  3. Dairy Conferences Provide Learning Opportunities

    give up milk”.  Other speakers include Dr. Bill Yost providing a dairy update and Dianne Shoemaker, OSU ...

  4. Dairy Herd Health Protocols

    define how the health of dairy animals will be monitored, how a health issue or disease will be ... diseases of pre-weaned calves are: septicemia, diarrhea, and pneumonia.    Septicemia can result when ...

  5. Worker Protection Standard Compliance Manual Available

    authority to enforce WPS in Ohio and conducts WPS inspections.  Worker Protection Standard updates will be ...

  6. Campus Facilities Update

    As plans progress for Wooster campus facilities renovation and new construction, the campus has faced difficult decisions about facilities that will not be renovated, such as the ATI conservatory.  The conservatory was initially built in 1926 and donated ...

  7. Consider a Summer Annual for Stored or Grazing Forage Needs

    sudangrass and sorghum x sudangrass hybrids.  The brown mid-rib (BMR) varieties of sudangrass and sorghum ...

  8. Recent Developments Surrounding PCNB

    year. The following is an update from Dr. Jim Kerns, turfgrass pathologist at the University of ...

  9. Business Office updates

    There have been a number of changes in regards to office space, assignments, payment window, and pcard requirements. ...

  10. Controlling Pasture Flies on Cattle

    Entomologist at the University of Kentucky annually updates a publication entitled “Insect Control for Beef ...
