
Search results

  1. Hydrologic Redistribution and Rhizosphere Biology of Resource Islands in Degraded Agro-ecosystems of the Sahel

    fixation) and plant growth (e.g. plant hormones, disease suppression). This knowledge will provide a basis ...

  2. Manure Science Review Set for July 25

    “Regulations Update” by Matt Lane of the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s (ODA) Division of Soil and Water ...

  3. Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    and technology. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the college. The Centers for Disease Control and ...

  4. USAID’s Global Food Security Program names two CFAES graduate students Borlaug Fellows

    2013 to conduct a survey of tomato diseases in the region and to work with local farmers in developing ... Research Support Program (IPM-CRSP) – Testen has studied plant diseases that pose critical threats to ...

  5. Ohio Maple Days on tap January 18-20

    Department of Agriculture Updates”: The FSMA contains a mandatory requirement for many food manufacturers, ...

  6. Join CFAES in Washington, D.C. for the Big Ten Ag Alumni Reception & New CFAES Pre-Reception

    event.  Hear exciting updates about the college from CFAES leadership and connect with alumni and ...

  7. ESGP Ph.D. Student Selected to Attend Global Food Security Symposium

    his colleagues will also address questions to panel experts via Twitter and provide updated commentary ...

  8. Helping Farmers Out of Depression

    for farmers has been increasing in part because a July 2016 report from the Centers for Disease ...

  9. Environmental Professional Network Breakfast- Ag & Water Quality Issues

    The findings will be used to update the Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index, which farmers use to figure out ...

  10. Event to Look at Farming, Water Quality, Ohio's Efforts for Both

    The findings will be used to update the Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index, which farmers use to figure out ...
