
Search results

  1. Downy Mildew of Blackberry

    blackberry (Rubus sp.) is a systemic disease caused by the fungal-like pathogen Peronospora sparsa. Nearly ... all blackberry cultivars are susceptible to downy mildew. The disease also occurs on boysenberry, ... visible. Disease is most severe during wet weather with cool to warm temperatures. Figure 1. Downy mildew ...

  2. Billbugs in Turfgrass

    of the turf, as if the turf was going into drought and heat dormancy or disease attack was occurring. ... turf plant. Larvae are grub shaped, but legless; they have cream-colored bodies, brown head capsules, ... weevils chemical control of larvae snout beetles turf pests turf damage turf fungal diseases parasitic ...

  3. Ticks and mosquitoes are waiting on you

    period for Lyme disease because nymphal blacklegged ticks, also known as deer ticks, are most active in ... May and June,” he said. While Lyme disease doesn’t manifest in every case, Lyme disease symptoms can ... on testing and treatment,” McDermott said. “ Ticks and the diseases they transmit have been steadily ...

  4. Japanese Beetle

    like old carpet to reveal the grubs. Large populations of grubs kill the turf in irregular patches ... usually in high-quality urban turf. Beetle skeletonizing a leaf Hosts The adult beetles are general ... most commonly damage turf. The turf first appears off-color as if under water stress. Irrigating causes ...

  5. Powdery Mildew on Turfgrass

    ornamentals, and turfgrass species. In general, it is not considered to be a serious disease on turf. Powdery ... disease lawn and turf powdery mildew on turf turf fungus chemical control of powdery mildew fungal growth ... Severe outbreaks on Kentucky bluegrass tend to occur on turf growing in shaded areas during spring to ...

  6. Growing Peaches and Nectarines in the Home Landscape

    nectarines are firm and free from defects such as bruising, and insect and disease damage. The best ripe ... and diseases. Frequently, the season’s crop may be lost either by flower bud kill due to low winter ... and managing insects and diseases. Those unable or unwilling to do these things should not attempt to ...

  7. Ripe Rot of Grape

    disease that primarily occurs in warm, moist, growing regions in the southeastern United States. However, ... during fruit maturation. The disease is caused by multiple species of the fungus Colletotrichum. Ripe rot ... to undesirable flavors and color. Disease Development and Symptoms Ripe rot is caused by multiple ...

  8. CFAES faculty named 2024-25 Fulbright Scholars

    we are hosting in Columbus in July.”  Jacobs, associate professor of emerging infectious disease ... cause diseases of humans, animals, and plants,” Jacobs said. “We will work together to provide solutions ... diseases and to train students at Udelar. His long-term goal is to develop an international-based course to ...

  9. White Rot and Botryosphaeria Canker of Apple

    canker phase of the disease is most severe in trees weakened by drought, winter injury, sunscald, poor ... pruning, low or unbalanced nutrition, and other plant diseases. The fruit rot phase can be sporadic in ... to be affected than other varieties. Symptoms Fruit At first, small, reddish-brown spots appear ...

  10. A Guide to Corn Growth and Development

    most often being aborted. Silks outside the husk leaves are drying and changing from tan to light brown ... to brown. Silks will naturally detach from their respective kernels following fertilization, which ... remain white or change to pink or red. The ears have husk leaves beginning to turn brown on the edges. ...
