
Search results

  1. Plant Pathology Alums Doing Amazing Work!

    pathology in 2013, studying with Dr. Sally Miller. She worked in Tanzania with farmers to establish disease ... disinfestation, which is an organic method of reducing disease, insect and weeds in the soil before planting.  She ...

  2. Stay Up to Date!

    we can shoot you an invite.  You can make sure to never miss a CFAES update.  If you work in an area ... update your info or email it to Claire Badger to update for you. ...

  3. One base at a time

    in turf management. It was a natural pick. He had always loved baseball and had grown up taking care ...

  4. USAID Grant Focused on Food Safety, Empowering Women and Youth in Kenya Awarded to Kowalcyk, Morgan, Yousef and Team

    foodborne disease (FBD). Specifically, they will, according to their proposal, “characterize contamination ...

  5. Who in the world is on the CFAES Alumni Society Board?

    members each month. Rishona Headen-Brown, Out of State Representative  ’ 17 BSFDSCI Food Science ...

  6. CFAES State of the College- Columbus, Ohio & Online

    Save the date for the State of the College address, where Dean Cathann Kress will give updates on ...

  7. Brazil: Cultural and Agricultural Aspects

    rhizogenes biology and control, trying to understand genes responsible for disease development and the ... disease management on hydroponically grown tomatoes using beneficial bacteria belonging to the genus ...

  8. ATI dairy cattle team takes first in Pennsylvania

    Ayrshire, second in Brown Swiss, first in Guernsey, first in Holstein and first in Jersey. Dye was first in ... oral reasons, first in Ayrshire, ninth in Brown Swiss, fourth in Guernsey, first in Holstein and first ... in Jersey. Topp was fifth in oral reasons, third in Brown Swiss, first in Guernsey, fifth in Holstein ...

  9. Club Memories

    meet their staff and faculty.  I remember being amazed at their turf program- particularly walking ...

  10. Don't miss the Sesquicentennial Open House March 21!

    updates currently happening at the property, including the newly-opened Kunz-Brundige Franklin County ...
