
Search results

  1. Phomopsis Leaf Blight and Fruit Rot of Strawberry

    Department of Plant Pathology Phomopsis leaf blight is a common disease of strawberry in the eastern United ... appears to be relatively minor; however, incidence of the disease has been increasing. The disease can ... yields the following year. In years highly favorable for disease development, leaf blight can cause ...

  2. Grape Black Rot

    one of the most damaging diseases of grapes in Ohio and other northeastern states. The disease is ... rachises and cluster stems (peduncles) of grapes. If the disease is not managed early in the season, the ... on a grape leaf. Inset shows the dark pycnidia that can be seen in the center of each spot. Disease ...

  3. Maps, Apps and Mobile Media Marketing

    customer coupons and information about the business’ products, services, real-time updates and weekly ... a magnetic strip in this first round of transition, until all merchants are able to update their card ... security policies will continue to be updated regularly, and researchers will provide data to help ...

  4. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio's Forests: Autumn Olive and Russian Olive

    fragrant (Figure 3). Fruits  Autumn olive: ¼-inch silvery, juicy berries dotted with brown scales that ... Russian olive:  3/8- to ½-inch long, elliptical, dry, mealy yellow-brown berries with silvery scales that ... viable in the soil for approximately three years. Twigs Silvery or golden brown, scaly when young, often ...

  5. Maize Chlorotic Dwarf of Maize

    caused by  Maize chlorotic dwarf virus  (MCDV). The disease (Fig. 1) has been reported from Texas up to ... Missouri and Ohio covering 19 states of the United States and Mexico. The disease caused severe economic ... hybrid, and plant developmental stage at the time of infection. Disease Cycle MCDV is mainly transmitted ...

  6. Natural Organic Lawn Care

    irregular brown patches. In lawns that are heavily damaged, the sod can be easily lifted. A few grubs per ... Weeds, insects and diseases are managed by cultural practices that are oriented toward prevention. ... therefore based on years of collective experience. Additional fact sheets regarding turf care and ...

  7. Anthracnose of Strawberry

    Department of Plant Pathology Anthracnose is an important disease of strawberry that can affect foliage, ... runners, crowns and fruit. The disease is caused by several species of fungi in the genus Colletotrichum: ... nearly identical symptoms on strawberry. The two most destructive forms of the disease are crown rot, ...

  8. Maize Dwarf Mosaic of Maize

    important corn virus diseases in the U.S. It has been reported in 37 states located in most regions of the ... Ohio. Infected plants show mosaic patches of light and dark green color on leaves (Fig. 1). Plants show ... abundant, a typical yellowing mosaic or mottle pattern is more evident. Flecks and rings may be observed on ...

  9. Norovirus: A Different Type of Foodborne Illness

    department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot record the number of cases ... and preventing norovirus: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Clean up after ... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2023, July 31). Norovirus. Retrieved from ...

  10. Strawberry Leaf Diseases

    Pathology Fungal diseases of the leaf may occur as soon as the first leaves unfold in early spring and ... continue until dormancy in the late fall. On highly susceptible varieties, these diseases can cause ... significant economic damage. The primary damage from leaf diseases is a loss of vigor through reduced leaf ...
