
Search results

  1. Elaine Eberlin

    administration and IT support for Plant Science Online ( non-credit certificate courses to ...

  2. Dr. David Barker

    Tri-Societies Meeting (ASA, CSSA, SSSA) because it encompasses all the agronomic industries (from turf to ...

  3. Fabiano Colet

    fungicide applications in soybean with a focus on the Frogeye Leaf Spot disease in soybean (caused by  ...

  4. CDC award to combat antimicrobial resistance

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to enhance detection, response and prevention of ... rapid detection, response and prevention of infectious disease threats. As part of a five-year ... resistance and infectious diseases that will span more than 50 countries worldwide. The CDC has  awarded $22 ...

  5. Hannah Scheppler

    throughout the center-of-origin, Mexico. I use genomics, disease screening, and geographic information ... systems to understand disease resistance genetics in pepper, and the ecological niche of the disease. Why ...

  6. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Nathan Miller

    disease, weed pressure, potential trouble spots. I also attend a lot of field days furthering my education ...

  7. Mark Kroggel

    updated information on CEA, great members (past and present), super collegial atmosphere. Shout out to ...

  8. HCS Alumni Spotlight – Mike Hannewald

    tell us a bit more about his experience in the competition, update us on how his career is going, plus ...

  9. FST's Kowalcyk appointed chair of FDA Science Board

    practices that protect public health and prevent foodborne diseases. CFI has been involved in numerous ...

  10. Prairie Enthusiasts 2022 Virtual Conference

    Dynamic Landscape by Amanda Martin Fire and disease jointly regulate the temperate savanna-forest boundary ...
