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  1. Two-Year Foliar Feed Study Shows Gap Between Farmer Experience and Research

    dairy soil amendments research field crops ...

  2. EPDM Faculty Advising Forum

    place! Hear about curriculum updates, receive a new degree planning tools, and get scheduling questions ...

  3. NRM Faculty Advising Forum

    place! Hear about curriculum updates, receive a new degree planning tools, and get scheduling questions ...

  4. Reverse Field Tour Engages Stakeholders in Soil Health Research

    Stakeholders played a key role in the reverse field tour held on soil balancinglast month at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, Ohio. The field tour is part of a USDA NIFA funded project to advance understanding of s ...

  5. Lake States Fire Science consortium Webinar

    These fire-prone systems are now rare and exist primarily as remnant patches.  In 2014, the ...

  6. The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society Combined Conference

    also detected Snake Fungal Disease (SFD) and recorded its prevalence among our telemetered animals. We ...

  7. Climate Justice Lecture Series

      J. Timmons Roberts, Ittleson Professor of Environmental Studies and Sociology at Brown ...

  8. Tree School

    plant a tree, the top landscape trees, how to identify plant diseases, mapping your property, how to ...

  9. National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning

    Engineering, Kegler Brown Hill + Ritter, and the Kirwan Institute   The 23rd National Conference on Diversity, ...

  10. TWEL Marja Bakermans Thesis

    success of breeding birds within a forest patch. In this thesis, I used the Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax ...
