
Search results

  1. How much does foodborne illness cost the U.S.?

    College of Education and Human Ecology, also provides an updated estimate of the total national cost of ...

  2. Workshop: How to Grow Bigger, Better Strawberries and Get Them Earlier

    evaluations ·         Pest and disease control ·         Integrated pest management (IPM) techniques ...

  3. Welcome to South Centers Matthew Smith

    Matthew and Sarah Strausbaugh are updating the Ohio State University South Centers Aquaculture Extension ...

  4. June 2015 Newsletter

    #FranklinFuture to share your comments. Also, for the latest updates follow us on Twitter @OSUEFranklin. ...

  5. Coming soon: Co-op Mastery, an online training from The Ohio Cooperative Development Center

    up-to-date and relevant for the long-term. Updates will reflect co-op trends as well as suggestions and ...

  6. Asiatic Garden Beetle Could be Cause for Concern for Northern Ohio Corn

    being a minor pest in turf, now appears to be much more damaging to crops than most other grubs, Hammond ...

  7. A Fruitful Year

    management tasks, disease and insect identification and management, and fall fruit harvests, as well as key ...

  8. Communiqué May 25, 2011

    Organizational Update- Video Communiqué Link Updated-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension ... A reminder- a new Video Communiqué link is available for you to review online. An updated link is now ... available. The video is 35 minutes long and contains updates from Ken Martin, Garee Earnest and me about the ...

  9. 14 billion ways honey bees let you eat

    large numbers due to many reasons, including diseases, insect pests, loss of habitat and farm chemicals. ...

  10. OARDC’s Linda Saif is first woman to win prestigious Wolf Prize in Agriculture

    her work on viral diseases of critical importance to farm animals, food safety and human health. ...
