
Search results

  1. Planting for Pollinators in Your Home Landscape

    Discover how to create a pollinator-friendly landscape! Join OSU Extension Educator, Carrie Brown ... pollinators in your home landscape? Join OSU Extension Educator, Carrie Brown, as we explore the basics behind ...

  2. Planting for Pollinators in Your Home Landscape

    a pollinator-friendly landscape? Join OSU Extension Educator, Carrie Brown, as we explore the basics behind using native ...

  3. Updates from the Director

    Student Life gets new home The office and spaces for student life are re-purposing the floral lab and retail space. The new space will provide office space as well as storage and workspace for student groups. Big thanks to facilities for helping get thing ...

  4. About

    The  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC) estimates that each year roughly 1 in ... diseases. Anyone can get sick from eating contaminated food. The scope of food safety at The Ohio State University ...

  5. ATI grad vlogs about his turf internship in Singapore!

    O'Keeffe. A native of Columbus, Ohio, Nick served as president of the Turf Club. Prior to attending ATI, ...

  6. Garden Pests with The Ohio State University Extension Office

    Extension Educator and garden guru Carrie Brown is back to teach us about how to protect our ... and a good bug? Extension Educator and garden guru Carrie Brown will be here to teach us about garden ...

  7. Children

    preparation, handling, and storage to avoid the increased probability of foodborne disease in this vulnerable ...

  8. Sports Turf Operations Organization and Management

    HORTTEC 2260T Specialized course in sports turf management including the organization, design, ... a sports turf facility. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation requirements for Turfgrass ...

  9. Who's Who in Your Backyard Garden- Common Garden Insects

    Natural Resources, Carrie Brown. Learn how to identify and manage common garden insects- both the ...

  10. Retail Resources

    CIP technology or for those who might need to refresh or increase their knowledge, get updates, review ...
