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  1. Forms

    projects.   Travel Forms Updated Ground Transportation Log To be used for in-state mileage Expense Reports ...

  2. Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down

    applications practices, H2Ohio updates, manure spill mitigation, spreader calibration and autonomous tractor ...

  3. Ohio JCEP Scholarships and Grants

    the 4-H Volunteer Conference of Southern States) Carrie Brown, ANR educator, Fairfield County ($750 to ...

  4. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    The OSU Extension Management Structure Task Force continues to meet and examine the management structure to determine optimal ways to lead and support county operations and the system. ...

  5. Forms and Applications

    date unless otherwise noted.  As forms are updated and published for the year- the name of the ...

  6. The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making

    review, and/or update their strategic plans.  The Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Element Designing ...

  7. Powdery Mildew of Grape

    limited, and they appear as dark-brown to black patches that remain as dark patches on the surface of ... important disease of grapes worldwide. The disease generally is considered less economically important in ... Ohio than black rot or downy mildew. However, uncontrolled, the disease can be devastating on ...

  8. Bitter Rot of Grape

    spots Small, circular, whitish spot, which is soon surrounded by a brown ring Fungal fruiting bodies on ... Pathology Bitter rot has been recognized as a disease of grapes since 1887. The name was derived from the ... infected with bitter rot, the wine may be undrinkable. The disease is more common in the southern grape ...

  9. Gray Leaf Spot on Turfgrass

    sports turf. Application of fungicides should begin prior to the onset of disease, around August 1 in ... grisea chemical control gray spot st. augustine grass plant disease lawn and turf gray leaf spot turf ... Pathology Gray leaf spot is a disease of increasing importance in the turfgrass industry in the United ...

  10. Black Rot and Frogeye Leaf Spot of Apple

    develop a series of brown and black concentric bands or rings. The rotted fruit finally turns black. The ... dark-brown concentric rings and a purple margin giving it a “frogeye” appearance. Black pycnidia, like those ... leaf spot are phases of a widespread and damaging disease of apple and crabapple. The fruit rot phase ...
