
Search results

  1. ServSafe Food Safety Manager Training (Level 2)

    regulatory agencies and to implement and monitor measures for prevention of food-borne diseases. This course ... managers, operators, and owners with updated principles of safe food handling. ...

  2. ServSafe Food Safety Manager Training (Level 2)

    regulatory agencies and to implement and monitor measures for prevention of food-borne diseases. This course ... managers, operators, and owners with updated principles of safe food handling. ...

  3. Palmer amaranth (Amaranthys palmeri)

    female flowers occur on separate plants. Fruit: Single seeded utricle with black to dark brown seed. ...

  4. Grapevines, uncultivated & in groups > 100 (Vitus spp.)

    brown and woody, twisting with peeling bark. Look for woods or green tendrils which can coil around ...

  5. Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)

    surrounding the ovary. Fruit: Reddish brown seeds eclosed in capsules. Root: Tap root with underground stems. ...

  6. Canada Thistle (Cirsum arvense)

    Flower: Lavender flowers, 3/4- 1" in diameter. Fruit: Numerous small seeds attached to brown feathery ...

  7. Columbus grass (Sorghum x almun)

    diseases and insect pests of sorghum, maize and sugar cane ...

  8. Kudzu (Pueraria montana)

    golden-brown hairs. Roots: Kudzu has large semi-woody tuberous roots. These roots can reach depths from ...

  9. Commercial Pesticide Applicator- Other Resources

    a licensed applicator Lawn Postings- requirement for turf applicators Ohio IPM Standard- Integrated Pest ... disease, and other pests Soil Fumigation- website for training required for licensed Ohio pesticide who are ...

  10. Landscape, Turf and Ornamental Webinar- February 29

    LIVE COMMERCIAL RECERTIFICATION ONLINE WEBINARS Landscape, Turf and Ornamental Webinar February ...
