
Search results

  1. Insect Night Walk at Chadwick Arboretum

    details on parking updates, weather cancellations, and more, please RSVP here.    ...

  2. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    The OSU Extension Management Structure Task Force continues to meet, considering the following guiding question: What would a management structure look like that best supports county operations? ...

  3. Extension Leadership Update

    I want to echo Dean Kress’s gratitude to everyone who contributed to the recent search for the next associate dean and director of OSU Extension and chair of the Department of Extension. ...

  4. Secrest Events

    A variety of topics will be covered, including proper selection and planting, insect pests and diseases ... cost of registration. Music at the Arboretum JUL 19, 2024, 6:30PM- 8:30PM Rachel Brown and The Beatnik ...

  5. ↻ Refresh! Extension Data Portal Monthly Update

    EDP.  Clean up your imported Vita data (as needed). The Bulk Update Video Demo from February’s office ...

  6. Now That Wheat Is Down, What's Next? Some Ideas For Fields

    we did go through an extended dry patch, the nearby forecast indicated several possibilities for ... applications practices, H2Ohio updates, manure spill mitigation, spreader calibration, and autonomous tractor ...

  7. Extension Conference Update: Speakers, Theme, and RFPs

    is Sept. 13.  Visit the conference's official website for more information and updates.  ...

  8. National Associations

    2024 Ohio President: Carrie The Association of Natural Resource Extension ...

  9. TWEL Completed Projects

    lands in southwestern Ohio Justin L. Brown, MS (2007) Effect of coyotes on urban Canada geese nest ... landscape structure on raccoon demographics and disease Bret M. Graves, MS (2007) Grassland bird ... E. Lehnen, PhD (2008) Demographic responses of shrub-successional birds to patch area and edge ...

  10. Category 8: Turf Pest Control

    lawns, turf, sod and soil areas being prepared for the production of turf for the control of pests, ... 1722768993 ...
