
Search results

  1. Update on University Approach to Reopening Sectors (OSU Extension Clarification)

    On Monday, the Governor announced some new guidance related to reopening sectors. ...

  2. Essential and Time-Critical Extension Activities: Return-to-Office Update

    Thank you for your rapid and comprehensive responses to completing and submitting your return-to-office plans. ...

  3. Extension Annual Conference Update

    After soliciting feedback and discussing the conference options with our Extension Leadership Team and the Annual Conference Committee, we have decided to hold a virtual conference this year with the exact dates TBD (early December). ...

  4. FY20 IT Billing Update

    Thank you for your patience as Extension Operations has been working with CFAES Finance to finalize the IT Billing for university FY20 to our county offices.  ...

  5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force Update

    OSU Extension is committed to confronting racial injustice and ongoing systemic disparities around health, income, and opportunity.  ...

  6. Annual Conference Update

    Thank you for responding to the call for proposals for annual conference. We received 47 proposals for the various engagement focused sessions. ...

  7. COVID-19 and the APIDA Community: Impacts, Historical Oppression, and Allyship

    other countries. Unfortunately, throughout history, fear of disease and racism have gone hand in hand. ...

  8. Central State University Extension Update

    Several Central State University Extension program staff members have recently connected with our FCS and our ANR professionals for introductions; and we are planning that their 4-H professionals will join the Dec. 18 Koffee with Kirk. ...

  9. Return-to-Office Planning

    I understand that this is a long message, but it contains critical information for updated ...

  10. State Update

    As of currently released data (Dec. 3 at 2 pm), we have 8 counties listed as PURPLE, 3 counties approaching PURPLE, and ALL counties identified as high case incidence status. ...
