
Search results

  1. Management Considerations for the Cribbing Horse

    SDSU Extension (iGrow) in 2015. It was updated for an Ohio audience in 2020. What is Cribbing? Cribbing ... neuron disease (De la Rua-Domenech, Mohammed, Cummings, Divers, De Lahunta, & Summers, 1997) and ... management, and nutritional factors associated with equine motor neuron disease. Journal of the American ...

  2. Some Options for Resourceful Living

    streaming). Install all computer updates. Computers generate heat. Keep equipment cool and provide proper ... computer clean.   Do It Yourself Improve Shopping Skills Food Eat at home, brown bag for lunch. Plant ...

  3. Ag Breakfast at the OSU Extension Office February 8th

    Join our breakfast for an agricultural southwest 2023 update and insights for 2024. Topics include ...

  4. Strategies to Maximize Pesticide Deposit and Coverage for Effective Spraying in Orchards and Vineyards

    leaves will not prevent diseases such as the Gray Mold shown here if the deposition on the grapes is not ... leaves—from disease, make sure the grape leaves are pruned to expose the grape bunches. Photo by Erdal Ozkan, ...

  5. Professional Horticulture

    production, turf management (e.g. lawn care, sod farms, etc.), tree care, and floriculture (e.g. greenhouses, ... monitoring plant pest and diseases; and offering training on how to apply the latest Integrated Pest ...

  6. Food Safety and Garden Flooding

    the spread of plant diseases. A resource on disinfecting gardening tools is provided under Suggested ...   References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2011. Guidance on Microbial Contamination in ...

  7. Horticulture Resources

    Diagnostic Clinic is a diagnostic facility specializing in the identification of plant diseases, plant health ... onLine provides timely information about Ohio growing conditions, pest, disease, and cultural problems. ... Articles and supporting photos are created by members of the Extension, Nursery, Landscape, Turf (ENLT) ...

  8. 4-H Enrollment is Now Open!

    please log in and update it. Please do NOT create a new account if you are having issues, call our office ...

  9. 4-H Enrollment Opens November 1st

    If you have changed your email, phone, address, please log in and update it. Please visit ...

  10. Phosphorus (P) Nutrient Use in Ohio

    for 1987–2016, with no immediate plans to update. To provide a recent picture of Ohio P nutrient use, ...
