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  1. Comprehensive Land Plan Workshop

    Wayne County is in the process of updating its comprehensive land use plan, using the theme ...

  2. Serv Safe Manager's Certification

    preparing and serving. This course is designed to provide Food Service Managers with updated principles of ...

  3. Serv Safe Manager's Certification

    preparing and serving. This course is designed to provide Food Service Managers with updated principles of ...

  4. Considerations when selecting 2018 corn hybrids

    relative importance of such traits as drydown, insect and disease resistance, herbicide resistance, early ... stalk rots, foliar diseases, and ear rots. These include northern corn leaf blight, gray leaf spot, ... obtain information from their seed dealer on hybrid reactions to specific diseases that have caused ...

  5. 4-H Kicks Off New Year

    planned for 4-H at the county level in 2016.  In addition to updates from Wayne County 4-H staff, state ... 4-H specialists also shared program updates and ideas for Cloverbud activites, 4-H animal science ...

  6. Preparing Varieties of Squash

    until tender. Rub squash with a little olive oil and bake uncovered—gives a roasted flavor and browned ... add a little butter and brown sugar If you prefer a more savory side dish try one of these: olive oil ...

  7. Annual BioBased Systems Workshop Focuses on Commercialization

    Update: the Advanced Biobased Systems Workshop: Pipeline to Commercialization has been rescheduled ... come in the near future on further updates to this year's event. Original press release:  Next ...

  8. 2015 Cloverbud Day Camp- COSI Adventure Bus Trip

    Lunch (make sure to pack your own brown bag lunch and write your name on it)  1:00 pm Educational ... Extension Office by June 1, 2015. Everyone needs to bring a brown bag lunch with his/her name on it! ...

  9. New Semester, New Look

    putting the finishing touches on a few updates and projects in the Ag Engineering Building. The Columbus ... building will continue to be spruced up with new technology and updated classroom and offices space ...

  10. Be Alert for Palmer Amaranth

    some decisions need to be made about whether or how to harvest.  Harvesting through patches or infested ...
