
Search results

  1. Food pH sensor, developed by OARDC scientists, also may look deep in oceans

    (LATE UPDATE: The team has  made the first cut.) A pH sensor originally developed by OARDC ...

  2. 2011 Grad News

    the timing of early season fungicide applications for disease control.  He was a selected as ... a Difference in the Field of Plant Disease Epidemiology and Disease Management," at the American ...

  3. Publications

    severity of plant diseases. We examined the effects of fertility on (i) host resistance and (ii) secondary ... fertility had no effect on expression of disease resistance. Nagle AM, McPherson BA, Wood DL, Garbelotto M, ... with high disease pressure and may thus be resistant.  We tested the hypothesis that such field ...

  4. Miller lab intro

    nematode diseases of fresh and processing vegetables. The Miller lab develops management strategies for ... diseases of vegetables, incorporating concepts of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and agricultural ...

  5. Ohio Maple Days on tap January 18-20

    Department of Agriculture Updates”: The FSMA contains a mandatory requirement for many food manufacturers, ...

  6. Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    and technology. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the college. The Centers for Disease Control and ...

  7. Eco-Labels, Certifications, Green Advertising: How Trustworthy Are Green Claims?

    her work, she helped update the commission’s  Green Guides  to environmentally friendly products. ...

  8. Helping Farmers Out of Depression

    for farmers has been increasing in part because a July 2016 report from the Centers for Disease ...

  9. Testen Awarded U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security Grant

    developing methods to improve soil health and tomato disease management in the Morogoro Region of Tanzania. ...

  10. Utilizing Genomic Selection to Accelerate the Pace of Developing FHB Resistant Wheat Varieties

    Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) Is a major disease caused by F. grammearum, that infects wheat ...
