
Search results

  1. Careers

    insects that are important pests of human health, veterinary health, forestry, household, turf grass, and ... individual producers to help growers minimize losses to insects, weeds, or diseases. Employers: Heart of Iowa ... especially ones transmitting infectious diseases. Military facilities, vehicles, foods, and uniforms also ...

  2. Hope IS a Strategy

    storm or flood damage; a rainy fall that delays harvest; some pest or disease attacks the crops or ... Rural Health Information Hub. Rural Agricultural Health and Safety Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved ... (n.d.). Disease prevention. Teagasc. Retrieved January 25, 2023, from ...

  3. Research

    Hatch; OSU-CAPS, OSU-CFAES, OSU-IDI, OSU-PRE SUMMARY: Many insects and ticks injure and spread diseases ... cause serious illnesses in humans and/or animals, such as West Nile fever, Lyme disease, and Eastern ... Equine Encephalitis. These diseases, and the pests that carry them, are rapidly expanding across the globe and within ...

  4. KX Feature with Graduate Student Liam Whiteman- Science Happens Here: Honey bee diseases

    CFAES Knowledge Exchange Feature "Science Happens Here: Honey bee diseases", January 17, ... and Natural Resources Laboratory. Topics:  Agriculture & Farming,  Diseases & Parasites,  ...

  5. Publications, Extension Products, and Courses

    PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. In press. Pekarcik, A.J.*, Lorentz, M.O*, Clem, C.S, Raudenbush, ...

  6. KX Feature with Graduate Student Alden Siperstein- Science Happens Here: When mosquitoes bite

    Topics:  Diseases & Parasites,  Environment,  Health & Medicine ...

  7. KX Feature with Graduate Student Lydia Fyie- Science Happens Here: Changing mosquito behaviors

    mosquito overwintering behaviors. Topics:  Diseases & Parasites,  Environment,  Health & Medicine ...

  8. BucDoc Shetlar talks Fall Armyworms

    Turf Team Times 9-21 Turf Times Times Follow up on Dr Shetlar with more fall armyworm info, Dr ...

  9. Our Extension Specialists

    Disease, Mosquitoes, Ticks Kelley Tilmon Agronomic Crop Insects Ecology and management of ... change; Applied research on pests of woody ornamentals Shaohui Wu Turfgrass insect & disease ...

  10. Larry Phelan

    review. Metatranscriptome and amino acid profiling  in the brown marmorated stink bug reveals the ... herbivory, disease, and plant competition in biological farming systems, and 2) identification and behavioral ... areas: 1) the role of soil communities in plant health and susceptibility to herbivory, disease, and ...
