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  1. Updates from the Director

    Student Life gets new home The office and spaces for student life are re-purposing the floral lab and retail space. The new space will provide office space as well as storage and workspace for student groups. Big thanks to facilities for helping get thing ...

  2. ATI grad vlogs about his turf internship in Singapore!

    O'Keeffe. A native of Columbus, Ohio, Nick served as president of the Turf Club. Prior to attending ATI, ...

  3. Capstone Team Wins ASABE/NABEC Undergraduate Design Competition

    Additionally, they worked on developing an automated plant sampling system to aid in plant disease detection, ...

  4. Sports Turf Operations Organization and Management

    HORTTEC 2260T Specialized course in sports turf management including the organization, design, ... a sports turf facility. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation requirements for Turfgrass ...

  5. HR Updates and Reminders

      Colleagues,   Below are pertinent HR updates and reminders. Should you have any questions, feel ... Policy Minor Revisions The  Student Employment Policy 10.10  has been updated as of June 26, 2023. The ... that student employees cannot simultaneously hold a student employee and staff position. The updated ...

  6. Turf Equipment Operation and Maintenance

    HORTTEC 2225T Principles and practices of turf facilities organization and management, equipment ...

  7. ATI to host greenhouse workshop for K-12 educators

    management Plant propagation Lesson planning   Day 2: Hydroponics and Pest & Disease Management (Friday, ... for leafy greens Pest and disease management   Workshop Fee: $100 per workshop (you can attend one or ...

  8. Fundamentals of Turfgrass Science and Management

    fundamental practices essential to the production and management of fine quality turf. A grade of C or better ...

  9. FABE Lecturers participate in inaugural Buckeye Precollege Institutes

    and emerging infectious diseases. This course also serves as an introduction to the field of ...

  10. ATI represented at Ohio Turf Field Day

    On August 1 st  and 2 nd  Dr. Petrella and Dr. Nangle represented the turfgrass program at the annual Ohio Turfgrass Education and Research Field Day and the Ohio Lawncare Field Day. ...
