
Search results

  1. Partnering to inform and deliver habitat management to restore Northern Bobwhite populations on Ohio farmlands

    formation across four study sites located on private land in Highland and Brown counties in Ohio. Over 50 ...

  2. Preparing for That Outside of the Box Emergency, Are You Ready?

    a peak at them, update the missing pieces, and make a concerted effort to open a dialog about the “what ...

  3. CFAES Students Gain International Research Experience, and Much More

    status, increasing drought tolerance, and resistance to diseases. Professor Dick indicates “this research ... potential to improve millet growth and resistance to diseases and possibly drought. Additionally, he is ... surveying the extent of disease organisms on millet.  He is using microbial community molecular and ...

  4. Spring Career Day

    required. For current students, a valid BuckID is needed to enter the fair. Check here for updates on the ...

  5. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    provide communities with lake level scenarios and assist with planning decisions, such as updating zoning ...

  6. Autumn 2013 SENR Seminar Series

    understanding abiotic constraints on species as well as biotic interactions such as competition and disease. So ...

  7. TWEL Lionel Leston Thesis

    territories, nest patches and randomly and systematically-located plots. Fate and productivity of 288 cardinal ...

  8. Event to Feature Local, National Water Quality Efforts

    614-247-1908.   Sponsoring the event are the Brown and Caldwell engineering consulting firm; Stantec, which ...

  9. TWEL Molly McDermott Dissertation

    across all habitats surveyed. The negative relationship between patch density and abundance of two ...

  10. Full Professors

    1977-2010 Soil Science James H. Brown* (Assistant Director) 1970-1995 Forestry Frank G. Calhoun* 1986-2010 ...
