
Search results

  1. March 2017 Highlights

    Ecology for Mitigation of Antibiotic Resistance and Bacterial Diseases. Experts in medicine, food safety, ...

  2. Chow Line: With Holiday Baking Season in Full Swing, a Reminder from CDC to Just Say No to Eating Raw Dough

    with salmonella and E. coli within a week. In a new warning issued recently by the Centers for Disease ...

  3. Jill Gallion receives university Distinguished Staff Award

    adjusting student schedules; maintaining student files; processing academic forms; updating student records; ...

  4. Evaluating Sources

    written? Be aware if your topic needs recent/updated sources or if older/historical sources are acceptable. ... the civil war)? Is it a website that is updated regularly? Are links still active? Is it biased? ...

  5. Mitigation of Cold Damage in Grapevines: Science & Practice

    cost? Hands-on assessment of damage in canes “buried’ in 2015 Current situation in the vineyard (update ...

  6. Welcome to our New Website!

    abreast of the current situation in Ohio vineyards, learn about research updates from the OSU team, or ...

  7. NEWS- Jill Gallion receives university Distinguished Staff Award

    updating student records; managing student evaluation of instruction; preparing final exam schedules; ...

  8. Kinder, Gentler Food Processing

    processed to meet targeted sensory attributes and minimum shelf life and to eliminate the risk of disease ...

  9. New ‘Critically Sensitive’ Technology Providing Potential for Broad Range of Scientific Discovery

    doors for new discoveries in disease prevention and treatment as well as a wide range of innovative ...

  10. Farm Bill Crop Safety Net Enrollment Deadlines Approaching

    following deadlines: Feb. 27 is the last day to update yield history or allocate base acres. DEADLINE ... make these decisions,” Zulauf said. “It is rare that an opportunity exists to update program yield and ... more thought but decision aids exist.” If a farm’s yield history is not updated or base acres are not ...
