
Search results

  1. Additional Zoom Security Measures Coming July 30

    In an effort to increase security and privacy for the Ohio State community, all CarmenZoom meetings will require a passcode beginning July 30. ...

  2. Tips and Tools – PDF in NOTES on iPhones

    Scan pdfs from iPhones (Androids: Adobe Scan app is approved for use by OCIO) by using this app. ...

  3. Names of Essential Personnel for Mail Pick-up (Overdue)

    We still haven’t heard from half of the counties about who is going to be responsible for picking up mail. ...

  4. Cybersecurity 4 You – Level 5 Now Open

    New activities just released on C4U now makes it possible to reach Level 5 with the best rewards possible. ...

  5. Purchasing of PPE, Hand Sanitizer, etc.

    Direction on purchasing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and sanitary/cleaning products continues to evolve week by week. ...

  6. Repopulating Offices (Non-County Offices)

    We are in the process of planning our return-to-office approach for non-county offices. We will be in touch soon with more details early next week as the process is solidified and timing is determined. ...

  7. State Resources for Reopening Businesses Just Released on KX COVID-19 HUB

    Just a quick heads up that the COVID-19 Hub ( now has links to state resources, continued closures, and protocols for reopening businesses around the state. ...

  8. In-Person Programming – Exemption Requests, Training Reminder

    In-person programs are allowed with an approved exemption. A committee reviews in-person program exemption requests for ALL programs that require in-person attendance, are mandated to be in-person, or aren't viable virtually due to internet access. ...

  9. Infographic Templates – Reminder to Check Online and Use CFAES Brand Resources

    We have developed a variety of branded, Extension-focused infographic templates for your use as you prepare to report local impacts to county commissioners, other stakeholders, clientele, and the general public. The files are posted online. ...

  10. Zoom Cloud Retention Deadline Extension is Approaching

    The university previously announced the Zoom cloud retention rate would change from 270 days to 120 days, and the date of that change was extended to Feb. 5. ...
