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Japanese Beetle
like old carpet to reveal the grubs. Large populations of grubs kill the turf in irregular patches ... usually in high-quality urban turf. Beetle skeletonizing a leaf Hosts The adult beetles are general ... most commonly damage turf. The turf first appears off-color as if under water stress. Irrigating causes ...
Grape Berry Moth
Infestations can also contaminate fruit by introducing plant pathogens that cause plant diseases like bunch rot ... debris on the vineyard floor (Goldammer, 2018). The adult is a mottled-brown moth with some bluish gray ...
Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio
disease issues, and response to foliar inputs of nitrogen (N) and fungicide. The trials were conducted ... days) but varying in foliar disease ratings, according to company literature, were used to assess ... differences in foliar disease and response to fungicide and foliar nitrogen (N) when grown in narrow (15-inch) ...
Chinch Bugs in Turfgrass
to turn yellow then brown. The patches continue to expand outward and the turf eventually dies, ... crabgrass. Types of Damage Chinch bug damage is usually first detected when irregular patches of turf begin ... research suggests that this disease has a greater impact on the chinch bugs when the turf enters into ...
Downy Mildew of Blackberry
blackberry (Rubus sp.) is a systemic disease caused by the fungal-like pathogen Peronospora sparsa. Nearly ... all blackberry cultivars are susceptible to downy mildew. The disease also occurs on boysenberry, ... visible. Disease is most severe during wet weather with cool to warm temperatures. Figure 1. Downy mildew ...
White Rot and Botryosphaeria Canker of Apple
canker phase of the disease is most severe in trees weakened by drought, winter injury, sunscald, poor ... pruning, low or unbalanced nutrition, and other plant diseases. The fruit rot phase can be sporadic in ... to be affected than other varieties. Symptoms Fruit At first, small, reddish-brown spots appear ...
Brown Rot of Stone Fruits
Pathology Brown rot is a common and destructive disease of peach and other stone fruits (plum, nectarine, ... appear in the spring as the blossoms open. Diseased flowers wilt, turn brown, and may become covered with ... from an infected peach. Figure 5. Brown rot disease cycle. We want to thank the New York State ...
Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors
Additionally, foliar fungicides at the tassel stage (VT) or later can help protect against disease if pressure ... is high, but the effect is minimal when disease pressure is low. When hail damage exists and corn is ... Also, harvesting corn as silage earlier in the season can avoid further disease development and preserve ...
Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases
temperatures and readily available dog hosts. Diseases: In Ohio, the brown dog tick has not been implicated in ... brown dog tick is an important, but uncommon, transmitter of RMSF and several other disease organisms to ... disease. However, up to 40 percent of infected humans do not develop a ring-rash, which is almost always ...
Brown Spot of Soybeans
AC-18 02/09/2011 Anne E. Dorrance and Dennis R. Mills, Department of Plant Pathology Brown spot is ... of lower leaves. Recent yield losses documented range from 2 to 4 bu/A. Symptoms Symptoms of brown ... brown spots that vary in size from tiny specks to quarter-inch diameter can be seen on the upper and ...