
Search results

  1. Southwest Ohio Agronomy Day and Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Annual Meeting

    Inputs- Laura Lindsey Field Crop Insects Update- Kelley Tillmon Soybean Disease Management- Anne Dorrance ... Topics and Speakers from The Ohio State University Weed Management Update- Mark Loux Fungicide ... Update and Southern Rust- Pierce Pual Soil Fertility- Steve Culman Soybean Variety Selection and Foliar ...

  2. AMSA Southeastern Collegiate Meat Judging Contest

      Photo above right: Front L-R: Dr. Lyda G. Garcia (Advisor); Sierra Jepsen; April Rose, Kristen Browne ...

  3. Cinderella Pumpkins? Yes, That's A Real Thing

    orange. “Consumers want these specialty pumpkins: weird, warty, blue, brown, pink pumpkins,” said Brad ... varieties hold up in different climates and fend off diseases. One of the varieties being grown and tested ... kids in the pumpkin patch, so they zero in on them, Bergefurd said. “I really think they’re going to ...

  4. Menuka Bhandari awarded IDI Trainee travel award from the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI)

    the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) Ecology, Epidemiology, and Population Health (EEPH) thematic ... area. The purpose of this award is to: To enable trainees in the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) ... farms to humans. She is grateful to the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) Ecology, Epidemiology, and ...

  5. Animal Health Laboratory

    health and infectious disease of domestic animals. Course activities provide core concepts primarily in ...

  6. Turfgrass Research & Technology Field Day

    Columbus, OH 43210 Presentations will include: Golf Concurrent Sessions Disease Updates for Golf- Todd Hicks ... Concurrent Sessions Insect Updates for High-Cut Turf- David Shetlar Sports Turf Review- Pam Sherratt and ... Receive the latest information from the OSU Turf Team for managing healthy turfgrass and test out ...

  7. Practical Skills for Managing Invasive Insects Workshop

    the link below to view the webinar. We are aiming to cover Spotted Wing Drosophila and Brown ... identifying, and managing the spotted-wing Drosophila and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug on fruit and vegetable ... identification & management-New streamlined approach to monitoring in 2019-Additional Resources Brown ...

  8. Background Has Prepared Hank LeVan for Livestock Evaluation and Judging Positions

    beginning of their herd had a challenging start. LeVan explains, “As the last lot came in the ring I nudged ...

  9. UG Research

    Wooster, Ohio.  Positions include: Poultry Disease and Immunology Mastitis & Mammary Physiology ... Cellular Biology Fetal Programming in Ruminants Animal Models of Disease Meat Science and Muscle Biology ...

  10. Northern Ohio Crops Day

    budgeting Barry Ward, Leader, OSUE Production Business Management 9:45 Dicamba Tech update, Pigweed control ... Mark Loux, OSUE Weed Specialist 10:45 Break & Visit Exhibits 11:00 Management of Soybean Diseases ... Anne Dorrance, OARDC Plant Pathology 12:00 Lunch & Visit Exhibits 12:45 CAUV update Mike Gastier, ...
