
Search results

  1. Scott Kenney, PhD

    additional interests in establishing animal models for human disease and high containment pathogen research. ... a zoonotic disease and can be transmitted from animals to humans in developed countries. Currently, there are ... we work on swine diseases including African swine fever virus (ASFV). ASFV is a foreign animal ...

  2. Dr. Linda Saif weighs in on safety of Covid vaccines

    A member of Ohio State’s Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI), CFAH's Dr. Linda Saif recently ...

  3. Yehia Mohamed (Mo) Saif, DVM, MS, PhD

    Expertise: Diseases of Poultry and the Immune Response of Avian Species Infectious Bursal Disease Virus ...

  4. Carolyn Lee recognized as a Real Pork Scholar by the National Pork Board

    emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases, SARS-CoV-2, and designing and testing a novel African Swine ...

  5. Study: Pig virus is easily transmitted among chickens and turkeys

    spread of disease surprised the Ohio State University scientists. “We weren’t even sure the virus would ... definitely susceptible to having virus-related disease,” he said. The study is published in the online ... journal  Emerging Infectious Diseases. This virus,  porcine deltacoronavirus, was first detected in pigs in ...

  6. Facilities and Resources

    a specific-pathogen-free chicken and turkey flocks. These resources are invaluable for the study of infectious diseases of ... organisms that cause diseases in animals classified at biosafety level 3 (BSL-3 and/or BSL-3 Ag). It is also ... used for working with plant diseases that could cause undue economic hardship on agriculture if ...

  7. Qiuhong Wang, BM, MS, PhD

    Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases Molecular Mechanism of Attenuation and Vaccine Development ... cause of death among children under the age of 5 and is a common disease for young animals. My current ... control the disease, an effective vaccine is urgently needed, but none is available in the US. From the ...

  8. Campus Safety Procedures

    parking lot- well away from the building (toward the Poultry Disease building). This area was chosen since ... the center hall, overall/clean room, office/incubator room, inside center hall Poultry Disease: inside ...

  9. Kush Yadav receives the Lynn Joens Memorial Award at CRWAD 2023

    diseases of food animals” at the CRWAD meeting, January 21-24, 2023. His presentation title was ... Scott Kenney. For over 100 years, CRWAD (Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases) has featured ... cutting-edge research on animal health and disease, population health, and translational medicine. CRWAD 2023 ...

  10. May 2023 CFAES Connect

    where they can update their information within the OSU system " style="text-align: center; ... text-decoration: none;"> Update your information Button context:  Takes users to the CFAES Calendar of ...
