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  1. July 2019 Highlights

    Alternative Data Sources to Assess the Long-Term Health outcomes of Foodborne Disease" and ... promoting optimal health and reducing the risk of disease. Dr. Jiyoung Lee ’s lab recently published ...

  2. Future Graduate Students

    is made on an application, the status will also be updated automatically. Q: Who can I contact if ...

  3. Chow Line: “Raw” Water Trend Can Make You Sick

    a healthy alternative. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that while water flowing ... increase the risk of developing certain infectious diseases caused by pathogens such as Cryptosporidium, ... Giardia, Shigella, and norovirus, in addition to others. In fact, there were some 42 waterborne disease ...

  4. October 2017 Highlights

    Columbus Dispatch’s story about the event. David & Ginny Brown have made a generous donation of ... with a degree in Dairy Technology. The Brown’s gift will provide the Dairy Pilot Plant with new ...

  5. New Ohio State center focuses on improving food safety, preventing foodborne illness

    foodborne diseases. “As knowledge brokers, CFI staff work to translate science into practical, ... evidence-informed policies that protect public health and prevent foodborne diseases,” she said. “We have been and ...

  6. Research and Centers

    microbiology of emerging technologies. Also, food safety with an emphasis on foodborne disease epidemiology, ...

  7. Chow Line: Newly Updated Foodkeeper App Helps Reduce Food Waste

    can use the  USDA Foodkeeper app.  The app, which was just updated this month to include 85 more food ... Foodkeeper app, it will check the data feed for updates on food safety issues. The app also provides guidance ...

  8. November 2018 Highlights

    together multiple disciplines working locally, nationally and globally to address the spread of disease ...

  9. December 2018 Highlights

    Bala gave an update on the current status of high pressure based technologies in the food industry and ...

  10. Helpful Resources

    Alumni Career Management Order your transcript Update your information ...
